Metaphorical Expression
How is guilt like a stain ? How is friendship like a raft ? How is an equation like a tug of war ? asking students to make connections and comparisons between items that are not truly similar is one of the most effective ways to improve comprehension and foster gains in achievement .
We call these kinds of comparisons metaphors and similes , and they represent one of our most colorful , creative and enlightening forms of expression . Teachers , Poets , songwriters , all of us rely on metaphors and similes to intensify what we mean or make dazzling connections between things we never before thought could go together .
The Metaphorical Expression strategy seizes on this uniquely human ability to find meaning through creative comparisons . By engaging students in metaphorical thinking , teachers give students the opportunity to develop their own perspective on content , paving the way for enlightening insights , powerful explanations , and the very highest levels of comprehension.