The metamorphosis of the soul...
A natural life cycle

The metamorphosis of the soul...

The life cycle of the caterpillar and the butterfly is such a powerful analogy when pursuing your passions and soul career. For many, the seek the attention of the butterfly, yet its glory is short lived. It is the inner work of the caterpillar that is the key to success, and sustainability of the soul.

If one is chasing the glory, there will be inevitable suffering and disappointment. They are chasing the future, and forgetting the power of the now.

The caterpillar is here now. The role to chomp and chew through the green leaves of the plant, tree, until it is full. It is relentless and cannot get to the goal until it has eaten the leaves, expanded in size, and then into a deep sleep. The rest as vital as the action, as it is within the resting that the inner growth continues. It is no rushing forward, it is totally present in its mission. It is consistent and disciplined, with no need for attention from anything outside.

It is the consistency of any discipline that creates the results. Riding with the waves of growth and expansion. The caterpillar does not turn into the butterfly, until it has eaten through the leaves, navigated across the branches, and onto another leaf to munch its way through. Until it sleeps.

“The caterpillar does all the work, yet it is the pretty butterfly that gets the glory.”

The inner work behind closed doors, new edges to feel into, part of the expansion, the light the dark, the introvert seeking inner solace deep within, the outer changing form, the homeostasis of the evolving soul. The introvert is like the caterpillar, if fuels its inner fire behind closed doors. Many are both and it is finding your balance, which is the inner state of wellbeing.

The cycle is like human behaviour, many chasing the shiny object, the goal and the glory. The ones that attain success, there is always the inner work that occurs behind closed doors. Yes, the darkness, the self-doubt can pop in, the fear of ones greatness, yet it is the consistent inner work that brings the individual into balance. Inner peace and ignites their inner light.

Many talk about it, yet never actually follow through with the self-discipline of creating new habits. The butterfly phenomena are seeking attention, acknowledgement and affection, look how pretty and magnificent I am.  This is fleeting, will change over time and surface level nourishment is lost, of fed off from others. Neither can exist without the other, the butterfly would not change form, unless the caterpillar had been doing the inner work, alone and away from external attention.

The greatest nourishment of the soul, happens behind closed doors. Even the more highly charged and inspiring individual will retreat into the caterpillar phase. This is the current reality as I shift through, and it is perfectly okay to retreat as much as you need. It is raw at times, and one begins to realise an inner world, calling out for love. Life is magical and will bring contrast, life has your back, and will create the perfect scenario to come back to self. Stillness and silence is beautiful, to be the observer of the interchanging landscape, observing the light as mock as the dark, with humility and love. Until one is willing to dive into this phase, then nothing changes. Accelerated expansion, will bring a welcome pause to feel into the new edges. To be the humble student, breath into your greatness, willingness to be vulnerable, allowing tears to fall, sweet caress of the spirit, bathed in love. A messenger to fill my own cup, be mindful of environments that no longer resonate with the soul and to only entertain conversations of depth and love. To express through written words, when the mouth is asking to be still, and seek solace in aloneness, a magical realm to honour.

Many souls take the attitude of soldiering on, a blank face, clever mask hiding the inner torment within. Some reach out drowning and yet are unwilling to do the inner work themselves. The human psyche is interesting and when stuck into a funk, will avoid the things in which to feel good and many avoid emotions, messengers of the soul.

The psyche for many is to reach for feeling bad, as it is a habit. It is also an aspect of being multi-personality and beige human as a spiritual being. The emotions are doorways to reveal whats beneath the veil of the illusion, until the lessons/insights gained.

I have an idea to think about, when you feel sad, then feel sad.

When the tears come, then honour the cleanse, the release with no meaning attached.

When you feel confused, then feel confused, and get ready for the insight of new learning.

Totally embellish within it and keep eating the leaf- the vital inner growth.

Maybe, stop doing busy, and allow yourself the space to relax.

Keep booking in a walk-in nature, some quiet time, a practice of meditation, a yoga class, a funny movie, or something to shift your state, with no force, more love, kindness and gentleness.

It’s not a race, mere a magical pause in your metamorphosis.

Seeking comfort in foods, a bottle of wine, complaining about life to a friend are temporary fixes, and will bring in more darkness with them. The come down from the acidic toxicity, it makes the body crave more of it. Once inner balance is found from the caterpillar phase, there is NO MORE CRAVING.

There are also times that rapid expansion and accelerating is felt, others riding the crest of the wave, your energy fueling them into aligned creativity, that is magical. The wave will eventually crash upon the shore, the pull back into the depths is a natural part of the surging force within the wave. Not one can exist without the other. It also is a time to seem whom is riding upon your wave, and to keep re-fuelling on you.

Learn how to swim alone.

Nourish the soul, even when you are kicking and screaming within.

Be grateful of the pause, to observe from all sides.

The caterpillar does all the work, and the introvert loves this place.

Behind closed doors is where potency is created.

The time will come to shine and spread your wings, as the extrovert.

Feel into the expansion, welcome the pause,

Then to retreat, back home, inside to honour your own heart.

The metamorphosis of the soul.

Enjoy the ever changing landscape within each phase.


#Coach #Inspiration #Introvert #Energy #Success #LifeCycle

It’s a great story!! Think about it’s thank you Zoe.


