Metamorphosis - from what was, to what can be

Metamorphosis - from what was, to what can be

Well scalawag, are ye ready to another clue? It does appear that ye be going through a mighty Transformation, but be careful ye don't end up like ol' Bootstrap Bill... all covered with slimy creatures from the briny.

Now, the Revered Dave "Buccaneer" Burgess, states in his journals, that after gain some Passion, Immersion, Rapport and the skill to Ask and Analyze will gain a new power...the power of Transformation, the ability to creatively change your world or classroom. How??? You query?

By re-energizing yourself through your passions and re-framing your world view (paradigm) you find new ways to engage your students and others ... such adding small activities that illustration application to your students or colleagues, adding a bit of humor or as in the case of Mr Burgess, lots of unexpected energetic twists and active engagement of his students through the power of Rapport. Often very small changes can have profound effects (AKA Butterfly Effect) all it takes is you being a bit bold and trying and not let the fear of failure hold you back....trying and if works..great if not keep trying ...

So Be Bold ...and the let your inner pirate come out and transform you, and allow you to transform the world.

How to Motivate Yourself, How to Transform Yourself

How do you change your world !!!

Chaos Theory,Butterfly Effect

Butterfly Effect - in a Memory


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