The Metamorphosis of Escher online!
Ingrid Walschots
Innovation lead & Format developer innovative media projects at NTR
The Metamorphosis of Escher is an online interactive adventure
Start interactive documentary The Metamorphosis of Escher
Online interactive adventure
The most famous graphic artist in the Netherlands M. C. Escher had one of his greatest successes with the creation of Metamorphosis II. Take a tour tough the interactive documentary of the famous artist M. C. Escher. Never before has Escher’s work been available online in such great detail. You can move through his work, zoom in and learn more about Escher’s life, his technique and his work from the perspective of art history through audio tours. Not only Metamorphosis II but also many other works including Relativity, Day and night, Water and air I, Reptiles and Verbum can be experienced in the same manner.
Metamorphosis Machine
Been inspired? Use the Metamorphosis Machine to make your very own piece of Escherian art. Rotate, mirror and move around your creation and then morph this into a new image. You can add your created work to a digital Collaborative Artwork; an infinite online metamorphosis.
The interactive documentary The Metamorphose of Escher has been created in cooperation with the M. C. Escher Foundation and is being simultaneously launched at the start of the Escher exhibition in the Fries Museum (as part of the Leeuwarden European Cultural Capital 2018).
Go to: For the English version:
Concept: NTR, Fabrique & Q42
Research & text: Marijnke de Jong
Design: Fabrique
Technique: Q42
Music: Paul M. van Brugge
Projectmanagement and director: Ingrid Walschots
M.C. Escher’s “Metamorphose II“ ? The M.C. Escher Company. All rights reserved