Paul Darafeev
CEO/CFO @ DARAFEEV (Retired) | Custom Chairmaker #MAGAGA Make America Godly And Great Again!
Just wrote following letter to the advertiser and editor.
Dear Prime Lumber,
I always enjoy getting a copy of Hardwood Magazine, and was impressed by your nice cover ad.
EXCEPT, for the metal stools on the cover. Now, I suspect your client who makes cabinets or flooring provided the shot, and it certainly does a great job presenting fine cabinets and floors made from even finer US Hardwoods, BUT those metal or wrought iron stools, really ruined it for me.
I presume you are promoting fine American Hardwoods, and I hope you read or listened to John Bassett's book Making it in America. It's worth a read, even if just those chapters that encourage everyone to buy American, or at least request products made in the USA. He said that even asking, can make a huge difference, in that the money then cycles around several times.
Now, Darafeev makes absolutely the finest hardwood stools in the nation, if not the world, so you can see how amazed I was that a Hardwood magazine would have metal rather than wood stools on the latest cover.
I'll do my small part and ask that you pass my contact info on to the cabinet maker, and I would offer to make and deliver custom hardwood luxury stools for their next photo shoot. Perhaps that can make it on a future cover; perhaps one that focuses on chairs and stools, made in the USA. There are very few of us left, but thanks to John Bassett, we are hearing much about the move to "reshore" manufacturing, which should be GREAT news to the folks that are producing fine hardwoods.
Paul Darafeev