Metal Sheet Roof Waterproofing Services DHA Clifton Sukkur Larkana Dadu Sehwan Jamshoro Kotri Nooriabad Karachi
Karachi Chemical Services KCS
Roof Waterproofing Services in Karachi Nooriabad Kotri Site Area Karachi Jamshoro Sukkur Larkana Dadu Nawabshah Sehwan
Metal Roof Waterproofing
The waterproofing of any metal roof can be a very complex task however KCS Waterproofing has extensive experience in this industry, we are able to quickly and effectively waterproof corrugated flat and kiplock metal fiber sheets, a 100% watertight seal. KCS Waterproofing is specially using a highly flexible single component modified polyurethane together with reinforcement fabric a liquid applied waterproofing system for metal roof waterproofing services. This technique is highly effective on the metal fiber flat corrugated sheet overlap joints to prevent water leakage.