Millennium Signatures Marking Systems can help you with every aspect of this process. We manufacture Custom Metal Nameplates from a variety of materials using a host of different processes. We can efficiently handle processing low volume applications such as single plate or thousands. We have the following processes to work with, Photo-Resist Deep Etch & Fill, Metal Photo, Anodized Aluminum Plates, Mechanically Engraved, Laser Etched, Laser Sintered and basic Screen Printed Plates.
In addition to making plates from scratch we have our very impressive Marksman Series Computerized Dot Peen Marking Technology allowing us to mark the variable data on your plates to drawing for you or supply you with the right Machine Model and Tooling to do the work yourself in-house.
Millennium Signatures is your complete source for Part Marking and Traceability processes. Contact our Part Marking Specialists toll free at
(833) 219-1212 or using our local at (905) 639-0909. You can always send in your inquiry complete with drawings and photos as required to [email protected]
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#DotPeenMarking #MillenniumSignatures #PartMarkingSpecialists #MarkingSystems.