Tricia Cook -Researcher MEd, RSP, AOG, Montessorian
Teaching, Tutoring, Coaching, Consulting in Educational and Spiritual Epigenetics, Curriculum Development, Metaepigenetics, and Academic Intervention
Metaepigenetics is a growing field that extends beyond traditional epigenetics, exploring how external and internal influences, including spiritual, emotional, and psychological factors, interact with and shape our genetic expression. This concept delves into the deeper layers of human experience, suggesting that our behaviors, beliefs, and experiences can not only affect our own genetic makeup but can also influence the genetic legacy passed on to future generations. By considering the spiritual and metaphysical dimensions alongside physical and environmental factors, metaepigenetics proposes that the interconnectedness of body, mind, and spirit plays a crucial role in shaping both our genetic potential and our destiny. It highlights the possibility that our choices and experiences could create an enduring imprint on our genetic code, influencing the lives of those who come after us in profound and often unseen ways. [Retrieved from:].?
1. Spiritual epigenetics explores how spiritual beliefs, actions, and experiences can influence not only our hearts but also our genetic expression, potentially affecting future generations.
2. Just as physical epigenetics involves the modification of gene expression through environmental factors, spiritual epigenetics suggests that our relationship with God can impact our spiritual inheritance.
3. Our spiritual practices, such as prayer, worship, and faithfulness, may alter our spiritual epigenetic markers, shaping how we interact with the world and those around us.
4. The natural world reflects a spiritual reality, where the physical body, soul, and spirit are intricately linked, and each part can influence the others in a profound way.
5. The idea of spiritual epigenetics reveals that the choices we make today in faith and obedience can leave a lasting impact on our descendants, just as physical traits are passed down biologically.
6. Just as trauma can be passed down genetically, spiritual traumas or blessings can echo across generations, altering the spiritual environment of a family or community.
The Standby – Clarity of Blamelessness (Honor)
Glorious Bread
Opposition (Bread of Affliction)
Supernatural Power
Bread of Weakness (Lack of Strength)
Endless Love
Bread of Hatred (Coldness, Rejection)
Bread of Judgment (Condemnation, Legalism)
Revelatory Insight
Bread of Confusion (Spiritual Blindness)
Glory Realm
Bread of Shame (Dishonor, Humiliation)
Divine Reversal
Bread of Stagnation (No Change, Hopelessness)
Heavenly Abundance
Bread of Lack (Scarcity, Need)
Unveiling Mysteries
Bread of Ignorance (Hidden Truth)
Vibrant Empowerment
Bread of Oppression (Bondage, Powerlessness)
Endless Light
Bread of Darkness (Blindness, Despair)
Infinite Love
Bread of Coldness (Lovelessness, Isolation)
The Comforter – Comfort of Purity (Love)
Glorious Bread
Opposition (Bread of Affliction)
Passionate Longing
Bread of Indifference (Lack of Desire)
Heartfelt Mercy
Bread of Cruelty (Harshness, Judgment)
Fierce Love
Bread of Abandonment (Neglect, Rejection)
Shining Glory
Bread of Dishonor (Darkness, Loss of Favor)
Beloved One
Bread of Forsakenness (Loneliness, Betrayal)
Supreme Victory
Bread of Defeat (Failure, Loss)
Deep Affection
Bread of Coldness (Emotional Numbness)
Perfect Love
Bread of Fear (Torment, Doubt)
The Glory-Light
Bread of Darkness (Hopelessness, Blindness)
Sacred Awe
Bread of Familiarity (Lack of Reverence)
Glorious Grace
Bread of Legalism (Rigid Religion, No Mercy)
Radical Love
Bread of Selfishness (Hardened Heart)
Uncontainable Joy
Bread of Sorrow (Grief, Hopelessness)
The Advocate – Care and Compassion (Glory)
Glorious Bread
Opposition (Bread of Affliction)
God’s Fierce Commitment
Bread of Abandonment (Faithlessness, Betrayal)
Overcoming Power
Bread of Defeat (Weakness, Powerlessness)
Supreme Restoration
Bread of Brokenness (Ruins, Despair)
Shining Glory
Bread of Dishonor (Shame, Loss of Glory)
Revealing Glory
Bread of Hiddenness (Veiled Truth, Spiritual Dullness)
Radical Love
Bread of Hatred (Rejection, Malice)
Miracle Working
Bread of Natural Limits (Lack of Supernatural Power- see Overcoming Power)
7. God’s promises of blessing and favor are seen not only in the physical realm but also in the spiritual inheritance, where generations can experience the spiritual benefits of righteous living.
8. The physical body, though bound by genetic code, can be transformed through spiritual disciplines, aligning the flesh with divine will and changing its spiritual trajectory.
9. Spiritual epigenetics points to the transformative power of redemption, where the curse of sin can be broken and rewritten through the blood of Christ, bringing healing to both body and spirit.
The Standby – Clarity of Blamelessness (Honor)
Glorious Water Wine
Opposition (Bitter Water/Wine of Affliction)
Living Water of Supernatural Power
Bitter Water of Weakness (Draining, Powerlessness)
New Wine of Endless Love
Wine of Rejection (Coldness, Betrayal)
Water of Grace-Kissed Refreshing
Stagnant Water of Judgment (Legalism, Harshness)
Wine of Revelatory Insight
Clouded Wine of Confusion (Spiritual Blindness)
Living Water of Glory Realm
Polluted Water of Shame (Dishonor, Corruption)
Wine of Divine Reversal
Sour Wine of Stagnation (No Breakthrough)
Overflowing Water of Heavenly Abundance
Drought of Lack (Scarcity, Emptiness)
Wine of Unveiling Mysteries
Obscured Wine of Ignorance (Hidden Truth)
Living Water of Vibrant Empowerment
Murky Water of Oppression (Bondage, Powerlessness)
Eternal Wine of Endless Light
Darkened Wine of Despair (Hopelessness)
Water of Infinite Love
Water of Isolation (Separation, Lovelessness)
The Comforter – Comfort of Purity (Love)
Glorious Water Wine
Opposition (Bitter Water/Wine of Affliction)
Wine of Passionate Longing
Tasteless Wine of Indifference (Lack of Desire)
Water of Heartfelt Mercy
Bitter Water of Cruelty (Harshness, Unforgiveness)
Wine of Fierce Love
Water of Abandonment (Neglect, Lovelessness)
Shining Water of Glory
Dim Water of Dishonor (Loss of Favor, Disgrace)
Wine of the Beloved One
Water of Forsakenness (Loneliness, Rejection)
Water of Supreme Victory
Murky Water of Defeat (Failure, Hopelessness)
Wine of Deep Affection
Diluted Wine of Coldness (Emotional Numbness)
Perfect Love Wine
Sour Wine of Fear (Torment, Anxiety)
Glory-Light Water
Polluted Water of Darkness (Blindness, Hopelessness)
Sacred Awe Wine
Contaminated Wine of Familiarity (Lack of Reverence)
Wine of Glorious Grace
Legalistic Water (Rigid Religion, No Mercy)
Water of Radical Love
Bitter Water of Selfishness (Hardened Heart)
Overflowing Wine of Uncontainable Joy
Tainted Wine of Sorrow (Grief, Despair)
The Advocate – Care and Compassion (Glory)
Glorious Water Wine
Opposition (Bitter Water/Wine of Affliction)
Wine of God’s Fierce Commitment
Water of Abandonment (Faithlessness, Betrayal)
Water of Overcoming Power
Bitter Water of Defeat (Weakness, Powerlessness)
Wine of Supreme Restoration
Polluted Wine of Brokenness (Ruins, Despair)
Shining Water of Glory
Dark Water of Dishonor (Shame, Loss of Glory)
Wine of Revealing Glory
Clouded Wine of Hiddenness (Veiled Truth, Spiritual Dullness)
Water of Radical Love
Bitter Water of Hatred (Rejection, Malice)
Miracle-Working Wine
Natural Water of Limits (No Supernatural Power)
10. Just as diet and lifestyle choices can turn genes on or off, our spiritual practices—rooted in grace, love, and faith—can activate or silence divine potential in our lives and in the generations to come.
The Standby – Clarity of Blamelessness (Honor)
Oppositional Forces:
? Condemnation: Opposes clarity and blamelessness, leading to guilt and shame.
? Ailment: Spiritual oppression, self-doubt, loss of peace.
? Sin: Self-condemnation, judgmental spirit, unforgiveness.
? Weakness: The absence of supernatural power leads to inability to withstand challenges.
? Ailment: Spiritual lethargy, fear, and lack of boldness.
? Sin: Doubt, reliance on self, neglect of prayer.
? Hatred: A force that opposes endless love, leading to bitterness and division.
? Ailment: Broken relationships, emotional turmoil.
? Sin: Envy, wrath, unforgiveness.
? Pride: An obstacle to grace, preventing a humble heart from receiving divine grace.
? Ailment: Arrogance, self-sufficiency.
? Sin: Pride, self-righteousness, superiority.
? Confusion: Counteracts revelatory insight, causing mental fog and misdirection.
? Ailment: Spiritual blindness, indecision.
? Sin: Ignorance, spiritual apathy.
Oppositional Forces:
? Condemnation:
? Ailment: Spiritual oppression, self-doubt, loss of peace.
? Sin: Self-condemnation, judgmental spirit, unforgiveness.
? Physical Ailments: Headaches, fatigue, digestive issues, sleep disturbances, chronic pain.
? Weakness:
? Ailment: Spiritual lethargy, fear, and lack of boldness.
? Sin: Doubt, reliance on self, neglect of prayer.
? Physical Ailments: Chronic fatigue, muscle weakness, decreased stamina, depression.
? Hatred:
? Ailment: Broken relationships, emotional turmoil.
? Sin: Envy, wrath, unforgiveness.
? Physical Ailments: Heart problems, high blood pressure, tension in neck and shoulders, migraines.
? Pride:
? Ailment: Arrogance, self-sufficiency.
? Sin: Pride, self-righteousness, superiority.
? Physical Ailments: Stress-related disorders, tension headaches, digestive issues, back pain.
? Confusion:
? Ailment: Spiritual blindness, indecision.
? Sin: Ignorance, spiritual apathy.
? Physical Ailments: Brain fog, dizziness, fatigue, poor concentration.
The Comforter – Comfort of Purity (Love)
Oppositional Forces:
? Indifference: Counteracts passionate longing, leading to detachment and emotional coldness.
? Ailment: Isolation, numbness, lack of empathy.
? Sin: Apathy, neglect, selfishness.
? Cruelty: Opposes heartfelt mercy, resulting in harshness and lack of compassion.
? Ailment: Broken relationships, emotional scars.
? Sin: Unkindness, bitterness, judgmental spirit.
? Fear: Opposes fierce love, introducing hesitation and emotional withdrawal.
? Ailment: Anxiety, insecurity.
? Sin: Fear of rejection, inability to trust.
? Rejection: A force that clouds the shining glory, causing a lack of recognition and validation.
? Ailment: Low self-worth, spiritual dryness.
? Sin: Disregard for God’s presence, rebellion against love.
? Defeat: Opposes supreme victory, leading to a mindset of failure and despair.
? Ailment: Depression, hopelessness.
? Sin: Despair, bitterness, ungratefulness.
Oppositional Forces:
? Indifference:
? Ailment: Isolation, numbness, lack of empathy.
? Sin: Apathy, neglect, selfishness.
? Physical Ailments: Depression, lethargy, headaches, sleep disturbances.
? Cruelty:
? Ailment: Broken relationships, emotional scars.
? Sin: Unkindness, bitterness, judgmental spirit.
? Physical Ailments: Heart issues, stomach problems (ulcers), high blood pressure, anxiety-related symptoms.
? Fear:
? Ailment: Anxiety, insecurity.
? Sin: Fear of rejection, inability to trust.
? Physical Ailments: Panic attacks, chest tightness, hyperventilation, digestive issues, insomnia.
? Rejection:
? Ailment: Low self-worth, spiritual dryness.
? Sin: Disregard for God’s presence, rebellion against love.
? Physical Ailments: Hormonal imbalances, immune system suppression, chronic fatigue, joint pain.
? Defeat:
? Ailment: Depression, hopelessness.
? Sin: Despair, bitterness, ungratefulness.
? Physical Ailments: Chronic fatigue, muscle aches, headaches, weight fluctuations (either loss or gain), digestive distress.
The Advocate – Care and Compassion (Glory)
Oppositional Forces:
? Neglect: Counteracts God’s fierce commitment, leading to spiritual apathy and distance.
? Ailment: Spiritual neglect, dryness.
? Sin: Unfaithfulness, lack of devotion, forsaking God’s ways.
? Oppression: Opposes overcoming power, leading to discouragement and defeat.
? Ailment: Heavy burdens, lack of breakthrough.
? Sin: Rebellion, disobedience, sin of omission.
? Decay: Counteracts supreme restoration, causing spiritual or relational stagnation.
? Ailment: Spiritual death, brokenness, loss of vitality.
? Sin: Unforgiveness, pride, bitterness.
? Glory Rejection: Opposes revealing glory, causing blindness to divine truth.
? Ailment: Spiritual blindness, lack of understanding.
? Sin: Unbelief, pride, hardness of heart.
? Hatred: Opposes radical love, creating division and enmity.
? Ailment: Conflict, separation.
? Sin: Wrath, anger, revenge.
Oppositional Forces:
? Neglect:
? Ailment: Spiritual neglect, dryness.
? Sin: Unfaithfulness, lack of devotion, forsaking God’s ways.
? Physical Ailments: Weakened immune system, exhaustion, chronic illness, inflammation.
? Oppression:
? Ailment: Heavy burdens, lack of breakthrough.
? Sin: Rebellion, disobedience, sin of omission.
? Physical Ailments: Weight gain, muscle tension, headaches, digestive issues, fatigue, chronic pain.
? Decay:
? Ailment: Spiritual death, brokenness, loss of vitality.
? Sin: Unforgiveness, pride, bitterness.
? Physical Ailments: Autoimmune disorders, chronic illness, poor healing capacity, joint stiffness.
? Glory Rejection:
? Ailment: Spiritual blindness, lack of understanding.
? Sin: Unbelief, pride, hardness of heart.
? Physical Ailments: Eye strain, headaches, dizziness, and cognitive decline.
? Hatred:
? Ailment: Conflict, separation.
? Sin: Wrath, anger, revenge.
? Physical Ailments: Increased heart rate, high blood pressure, muscle tension, gastrointestinal issues, headaches.
Walk in faith – Resting in His promises means believing without seeing.
Embrace the fire – Let His Spirit refine your heart and lead you into deeper holiness.
Trust in His timing – God’s fire works for good in those who wait upon Him.
Purification – Fire as a refining force, burning away imperfections (Malachi 3:2-3).
Union with God – The fire of divine love transforms and unites the soul with God.
Ecstasy and Suffering – Many saints describe divine fire as both blissful and painful, showing the paradox of surrendering fully to God's will:?
1. St. Moses the Black (4th Century) – Fire of Divine Transformation
Moses, a former thief turned monk, experienced a vision of divine fire descending upon the desert, signifying the consuming love of God purifying and transforming sinners into saints.
2. St. Catherine of Siena (14th Century) – Fire of the Holy Spirit
3. St. John of the Cross (16th Century) – The Living Flame of Love
4. St. Teresa of ávila (16th Century) – Seraphic Fire
5. St. Seraphim of Sarov (18th Century) – Fire of the Holy Spirit
6. St. Thérèse of Lisieux (19th Century) – Love as a Consuming Fire
7. St. Faustina Kowalska (20th Century) – Divine Mercy as a Burning Fire
Living Flame (Divine Sustenance), Opposition (Affliction)
God’s Fierce Commitment (Flame of Devotion), Abandonment (Faithlessness, Desertion)
Overcoming Power (Flame of Victory), Defeat (Weakness, Vulnerability)
Supreme Restoration (Flame of Healing), Brokenness (Destruction, Wounds)
Shining Glory (Flame of Divine Radiance), Dishonor (Shame, Loss of Glory)
Revealing Glory (Flame of Manifestation), Hiddenness (Veiled Truth, Darkness)
Radical Love (Flame of Unrestrained Affection), Hatred (Bitterness, Rejection)
Miracle Working (Flame of Supernatural Power), Natural Limits (Flesh, Human Weakness)
1. #Metaepigenetics
2. #SpiritualGenetics
3. #GeneticInheritance
4. #BodyMindSpirit
5. #EpigeneticTransformation
6. #FaithAndGenes
7. #SpiritualWellness
8. #DivineInheritance
9. #GeneticLegacy
10. #MindBodyConnection
Retired Medical Psychologist/Neuropsychologist & Author
1 周It is so nice to see someone write about a spiritual, God based epigenetics compared to the one of socio biology pushed by Paul Popinoe in the 1950s and 1960s. He was recommeiding sterilization of people with mental difficulties (that could fit autism, lower IQ based on IQ tests take could include people with dyslexia), etc. I was originally trained as a Montessorian and built on that. I retired as a Medical Psychologist/Neuropsychologist with specialization in neurotoxiology and much more. How many beautiful people would not have existed if we went to the dark side. Trust God, learn to learn to nature, resist changing what God has made. That is the challenge we face in all fields. If we had not poisoned this planet, we would not be a four fold increase in autism.