Is Met Police trying to 'Clean-up'?

Is Met Police trying to 'Clean-up'?

Geneva whistleblower complaints 'revisited' by Met Police.

It seems incredulous that whistleblowers in cases which may implicate wealthy British big nobs from big brands (with untold political connections) seem to face an endless uphill battle and endless obstructions in seeking a right to justice, whilst retribution goes on, unabated. In at least three jurisdictions holding records related to her case, an International School of Geneva whistleblower claims to have encountered both professionalism and alleged corruption in police forces. The Met Police is no exception, it seems, from her evidenced account.

Her whistleblowing case dates back to when ?VICKY TUCK (FORMER HEAD OF CHELTENHAM LADIES COLLEGE), MARK POOLE (Virgin Special 'Advisor'), DAVID OGDEN (UN REPRESENTATIVE), Melaye Ras Work (Efficio), Nick Thornton (Czura Thornton) and Geneva state representative, PASCAL EMERY, were amongst those at?the helm of the International School of Geneva.?

The Met Police

Harper from Met Police duly contacted the Swiss authorities in 2020 and filing a crime report on behalf of the whistleblower, as have other bodies. Jornot's Geneva judiciary is still failing to provide transparency over the whistleblower's criminal complaints dating back to 2013, confirmed by the head of the Geneva Police, Bonfanti, to be subject to criminal proceedings.

The whistleblower became suspicious of the role of the UK Foreign Office in 2017 when she sought consular assistance after discovering that she had been defamed and medically diagnosed by the Geneva state representative on the Board of the International School of Geneva Board, EMERY - who at the same time exonerated the Director-General (former head of Cheltenham Ladies College, Tuck) and others in their roles in alleged failures in duty of care and whistleblower retribution. The written response from the Bern office of the Foreign Office was unusual to say the least!

Apparently, members of the the Foreign Office/Cabinet Office etc. will 'shield' & support the 'shielding' of well-connected British 'offenders' at any expense to their victims, including BLACKLISTING, CRIMINALISATION and a decade of alleged mistreatment - including by Geneva state officials. Wonder why?

The whistleblower says that she is far from alone in feeling that her suspicions about the 'position' of the UK Foreign Office have been confirmed and validated by information and data, especially data and information provided in the last week of June 2019 by HMPPS (His Majesty's Prison & Probation Services), by the UK Cabinet Office and in an email from the whistleblower's then MP, Hammond.

It almost seemed that a 'internal' effort was being made to hold a certain Cabinet Office official in the Foreign Office to account in June 2019, supported by the provision - by the Cabinet Office - of an incriminating exchange of internal emails, dated August 1st 2018. An FOI request over disclosure of the identity of the author(s)of the emails remains unresolved in the UK Tribunal, in spite of unsuccessful attempts to restrict FOI rights of those outside the UK (reported in an article by Computer Weekly on January 4th 2021, Journalists’ FOI bids stayed as court reconsiders freedom of information rights of people outside UK).

More information has come to light, thanks to the professionalism of certain UK civil servants, and it seems that the UK Foreign Office and certain of its politicians (like their counterparts in other jurisdictions) are more concerned about wealthy and well-connected British offenders than they are about the human, legal, professional rights of their victims - as well as their right to access justice.

From 2019, complaints were filed with the Met Police. Finally, Smith from Met Appeals duly issued directives in 2020, which have apparently been ignored right to the apex of the Metropolitan Police. Based on the evidence, the complaints included but were not restricted to (shortened version):

(1) Suspected criminal misuse of data by a Cabinet Office public official in the Foreign Office in 2018.

(2) Suspected?criminal concealment of data (including linked to?vulnerability?assessments, HMPPS, Sussex Police, 'offenders' and 'proceedings' in Geneva). This data may be linked to criminal records apparently held in several jurisdictions.

(3) Suspected defamation/ false profiling, evidenced by email of August 1st 2018.

(4) Suspected malevolent?'position' of the Foreign Office, apparently evidenced by apparent concern about PHSO (Parliamentary and Health Services Ombudsman) investigating the Foreign Office 'position' (email of August 1st 2018), and by the subsequent unexpected reversal (28.03.2019)?of the PHSO's decision (20.03.209) to investigate the Foreign Office - just days before the investigating caseworker 'left' the PHSO. The investigating caseworker had already disclosed amongst other things, that the Foreign Office had failed to adjust its risk assessments,? and that she had done considerable?research on the treatment of whistleblowers in Switzerland. She had already reiterated four names.

(5) Suspected wilful negligence?in not adjusting vulnerability assessments/providing transparency over criminal 'proceedings'/insisting that 'offenders' are brought to justice/assisting with criminal proceedings in Geneva/ insisting that the Swiss authorities investigate criminal complaints (in spite of being provided with regular updates of ongoing escalating mistreatment and criminality).

(6) Suspected further criminal violations of data legislation & obstruction of justice. For example, the MP (Member of Parliament) electronic letterhead of Gove has appeared on two written decision by HMPPS NOT to provide data that HMPPS has already confirms that it holds.

(7) Suspected shielding of British 'offenders'. Evidenced by concealment?of criminal 'proceedings', failure to provide data, and the 2018 written confirmation of the Foreign Office legal counsel in Geneva, Me Bohler, of conflicts in interest on 'various' levels.

(8) Suspected wilful misconduct/malfeasance/obstruction of justice in collaborating?with Geneva authorities over British 'offenders'. The nature of the alleged crimes and mistreatment?seemed to widen and worsen, as evidenced by various letters to the UK authorities, including after after concerns were raised with the FCO in February/March 2017 & again - with then Foreign Secretary, Johnson, himself - in June 2018 and apparently subsequently by others.

(9) Suspected abuses of power and corruption? that may even extend to & include the whistleblower's dismissal from an organisation which shared the same legal counsel as the Foreign Office in Geneva who had declared his conflicting interests on 'various' levels in 2018.

(10)?Suspected misconduct in a public office/abuses of power & interference on numerous levels, including relating to the rights of family members, in numerous well-evidenced issues.

The public facing arm of the UK Equality and Human Rights Commission wrote that Article 8 of the Human Rights Act may have been breached by the FCO/ Cabinet Office official who authored the 2018 emails.

In January 2020, following the assessment by Smith (Met Appeals), Crombie summarised these complaints & others. It seemed they would progress. The whistleblower has raised concerns about the methods employed by Enright in dismissing the complaints and on March 20th 2020 and the whistleblower's MP Spencer wrote to former Police Commissioner, Cressida Dick - as well as the PHSO and the Foreign Office.

Coincidentally, On March 23rd 2020 Spencer apparently accepted an invitation to join the Carlton Club - & a membership subsidy - and has apparently done nothing to assist since.

On May 2024, the Met contacted the whistleblower and case seem to have been 're-opened', even if progress is slow.

If these complaints progress as they should, this may not be good news for certain members of the Conservative Party - or apparently for certain well-connected 'offenders'.

More to come on the Met Police, the Garda & the Geneva Police.

Susan B.

Blacklisted & criminalised International School of Geneva whistleblower with impeccable career Education Consultant (Curriculum, Compliance, Child Protection) #whereismarkpoole

8 个月

When will Met Police investigate any alleged Conservative crimes? PC Trott wrote to whistleblower on May 20th with apparent intention to re-open complaints about the FCDO (Foreign Office) & Conservative Ministers; he now writes: "We do not answer complaints regarding other government departments." This has been escalated to Commissioner Rowley. New elements include (but are not limited to) ongoing FCDO 'position' in a case under criminal investigation in another jurisdiction, confirmed role of Sajid Javid in a Home Office situation in 2018, alleged data breaches by Ahmad Tariq, lack of assistance from Ben Spencer after March 2020 (when he was, coincidentally, invited to join the Carlton Club with a subsidised membership), role of FCDO legal counsel to FCDO UN Geneva, & ongoing failures of FCDO to provide data or consular assistance over confirmed BLACKLISTING, CRIMINALISATION and alleged dehumanising treatment in Jornot's Geneva courts. The case started when TUCK, POOLE (Virgin), Ras Work (Efficio) & OGDEN (UN) were amongst those at the helm of the International School of Geneva. Trott has not provided Crime report?6506051/20, or responded to certain questions. Byline Times The Observer The Guardian



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