The Messiah and the Magical Mirror
The Messiah and the Magical Mirror
In a place far, far away, the people were at war with their neighbors;?there were?great famines, disasters of great magnitude, and economic and social unrest throughout the land.
The streets?were filled?with thieves and murderers; the markets were?empty;?and the children?were never seen?playing in the streets.
Families struggled to eat, keep warm at night, and stay cool during the day. At times, it was unbearable, and many ended their lives in despair because of the extreme conditions.
"Ahhh"?(a loud?scream came in the night), Father, father! Rushing to his room, he saw his son frantic with fright, his face as white as a ghost and sweating profusely. Father! (They embraced).?
"I?had a terrible nightmare; I could see three men coming for me through the window! (Sobbing)."
"My son (hugging)"."You have all the power inside you. Be strong, have courage, and always remember I love you; then all those things you see will turn into great treasures: lovely neighbors, peace, and harmony".
The young boy pondered it for a moment, then began to relax.
"Son, you have all the power and wisdom within, and one day?you'll?know who you really are. My father said one of the great stones of truth was lost in a terrible flood, never to be found again, but the story lives on, and you must also tell it to everyone you meet".
Over the next few days, the young lad remembered what his father said, thinking about it a lot.
As he was walking, he passed a mirror and noticed something strange. His reflection was happy and smiling when he thought of his?father’s?words. When he turned and looked sad, the mirror did?too.
He thought about this a lot, then went to play in the backyard with his friends. They were playing with rocks, throwing them in a game they devised, and one went through the window, smashing a mirror inside in a loud crash. Shocked as they were, they went in to see what happened. The mirror was in three pieces. The young lad saw three reflections of himself from different angles. Amazed, he made many facial expressions and experienced many emotions?when doing so.?
He remembered what his father said and began to contemplate it. Wandering?outside and dreaming, finally falling asleep under a tree with a great desire to change the world.
Upon waking, he felt strange—magical in?a very special?way.?It was peaceful; the birds?were singing, and the flowers?were blooming.?It was like he was flying as he was walking back home. As he approached his home, he saw that it was different. The neighborhood had changed; the house was a mansion, and children?were playing?in the streets. When he opened the door, a servant greeted him and said,?"Welcome home, Messiah! Shocked, but with a deep memory of his daydream, he felt?wonderful?inside—his dream had come true. His world had become peaceful and full of love, and he was the Messiah! After a moment, he went through the streets, asking his friends and neighbors their wishes?in life?and granting them their desires—as long as they were within his golden rule, of course, he would fulfill their wishes.
The people then lived happily ever after in the land of the magical mirror.