Introduction. The Messenger has believed in what he has been revealed to him from his Lord and the believer as well. All have believed in Allah Almighty and His Angels, His books and His Messenger. We make no division between any of his Messengers and they have said We have listened, and obeyed Our Lord ( we seek ) your pardon and to you is return.


 In different times and places, ALLAH  ALMIGHTY has sent prophets to humanity to communicate His message and to deliver His guidance. Prophets were chosen from amongst the people to teach them about the oneness of ALLAH  ALMIGHTY and to guide them towards the path of righteousness. In this article I have the honor to present concise narrations about 12 Prophets who brought the message of ALLAH ALMIGHTY to their people.      


 HAZRAT ADAM. (AS )The detail story of the creation of first human being HAZRAT ADAM (AS ) and Ama Hawwa (AS ), refusal of Abeles (Satan ) to comply with ALLAH ALMIGHTYs order to prostrate before Adam , subsequent banishment of Adam and Hawwa (AS ) from paradise to earth is mentioned in a eloquent manner in the Holy Quran. It is said that Adam ( AS ) descended on a mountain in Sari Lanka which is now called Adams Peak. It is also narrated in Al- Bidaya that Adam ( AS ) died at the age of 1000 years.

HAZRAT NOOH. ( AS ) There is no consensus amongst the scholars as to how long it passed after the death of HAZRAT ADAM ( AS ) before Hazrat Nooh (AS ) was born . However it is certain that the advent of Nooh ( AS ) was after people started worshipping various gods. He preached the Message of ALLAH ALGHITY for nine hundred and fifty years to a world plunged in depravity and sin but his people refused to accept his message. This led him to build an Ark on ALLAH ALMIGHTY command which saved him and the believers while all the non-believers perished in a storm sent as a wrath of ALLAH ( S T )

 HAZRAT IBRAHIM. ( AS ) also called Abul Ambia ( Father of Prophets ), was born in southern Iraq during the reign of the tyrant Nimrood. When he debated with Nimrood about there being only one ALLAH ( ST ) Ibrahim ( AS )was thrown in fire , ALLAH ALMIGHTY saved him by commanding : O Fire be cold and safe for IBRAHIM ( Surah Al Anbiya , verse 69 ). He migrated to Syria from Iraq. All the Prophets after Ibrahim ( AS ) including HAZRAT MUHAMMAD ( SWAS ) were from his progeny. He died in Palestine at the age of 200 years and was buried in the city of Hebron. ALLAH ALMIGHTY has praised IBRAHIM ( AS ) in the following words, Surely ,( Ibrahim is forbearing , very penitent , ever turning to ALLAH ALMIGHTY Surah Hud ( AS ) verse 75 


 HAZRAT ISMAIL .( AS ) also called Adh- Dhabeeb ( the sacrificed one ), was the son of Hazrat Ibrahim ( AS ). When Ibrahim ( AS )told Ismail ( AS )of a dream in which he was slaughtering him and asked about his opinion Ismail( AS  )answered O my dear father, do what you have been ordered to do. You will find, Insha allah ( if ALLAH wills ) one of those who endure patiently ( Surah Al saffat, verse 102 ). In commemoration of this act, to this date Muslims observe the day of  Eid – ul – Adha. Ismail ( AS ) built the Kabah with his father as commended by ALLAH ( ST ). He died in Makkah and was buried there. Hazrat Muhammad (SAWS ) was the only prophets who is from the offspring of Ismail ( AS ).

HAZRAT LUT ( AS ) He was the nephew of Hazrat Ibrahim’s ( AS ). ALLAH Almighty sent him to the people of Sodom and Gomorrah which is down south of Dead Sea, to instruct them to refrain from their sinful way of life. His wife also did not follow the true faith and was destroyed along with the non-believer . ALLAH ALMIGHTY ( ST )state so, when our command came to pass, we turned their habitations upside down ,and rained on them stones of hard clay , one over another. Idiomatically this expression though signifies turning upside down, it may be, at the same time, an allusion to the geographic fact that the area around the Dead Sea has become the lowest part of the world and that no part of the world is lower from sea level than this part. To this date no vegetation grows in the area and no fish can survive in the Dead sea.

HAZRAT YAQOOB Ibnay Ishaq ( AS ) was the grandson of Hazrat Ibrahim ( AS ). He resided along with his twelve sons in Palestine. For forty years he parted away from his beloved son Hazrat Yusuf ( AS )but after their reunion in Egypt, he lived with Hazrat Yusuf ( AS ) for seventeen years before his demise. As per his instructions his body was transported to Palestine where he is said to be buried near the grave of his father and grandfather in a cave under the Ibrahimi Mosque which is located in the city of Hebron ( Al Khalil )

 Hazrat Yusuf ( AS ). He was the son of Hazrat Yaqoob ( AS ). He resided in Palestine with his father. After his jealous brothers throw him into a well, a passing caravan saved and brought him to Egypt where he was sold to the minister of finance (also ) known as AZEEZ ) of those time. Yusuf ( AS ) was imprisoned due to false accusations by the wife of azeez who was fascinated by his masculine beauty. After some years in prison, when his innocence was proven, he was appointed as AZEEZ thus, by virtue of firm faith in ALLAH ALMIGHTY (S T ) and his spotless character, ALLAH ( ST ) made him prevail and triumph over all his opponents. Surah Yusuf ( AS ) in the Holy Quran narrates his story.

Hazrat Moosa ( AS ).Brought up in the palace of Pharoh Merneptah, ( Min Fitah) he was sent by ALLAH ALMIGHTY ( S T ) to the people of Egypt. Moosa ( AS ) is mentioned more times in the Quran than any other individual and his life is narrated and recounted more than that of any other prophet. ALLAH ALMIGHTY ( ST ) bestowed upon him many miracles including his staff that could transform into a serpent and his hand that could become luminous. ALLAH ( ST ) made his brother Hazrat Haroon ( AS ) a prophets on his request. Many Islamic scholar consider this as the noblest thing that any person has ever done for his brother .He had the opportunity of directly speaking to ALLAH ( st ) at the Tur ( Mount Sinai ). Tawrab was the holy book revealed to Moosa ( AS ) . Two years after the death of Haroon ( AS ), he died in Taib on his way to Baitul Maqdis.


Hazrat Dowood ( AS ) He was the ruler of Palestine. Allah ( ST ) had given him both a worldly Kingdom as well as Prophet hood. Despite being in a position of great strength and power, he was a humble person. Zaboor was the holy book revealed to him by ALLAH ( st ). He was gifted with such a beautiful voice that whenever he recited the Zaboor , birds and mountains repeated his words and did tasbeeh with him in chorus. He was taught to make armor by Allah ( ST ) who softened iron for him so that he did not have to beat or hammer it. Dawood ( AS ) died at the age of 100 years and his grave is said to be located near the Tower of Dawood, that lies in the old city of Jerusalem

Hazrat Sulaiman ( AS ), son of Hazrat Dawood ( AS ) was a ruler and Prophet of Bani Israel. His prayer is narrated in the Holy Quran as O my lord, forgive me ,and bless me with a kingdom that will not be available to any one after me, Surely, you are the bountiful ( Surah Sad , verse 35 ) he was thus bestowed with such a mighty Kingdom that he ruled not only human beings but also JINNS, birds and animal. He had control over the air and also had the ability to speak to birds and animals. He inherited nobles qualities from Dawood ( AS ). Sulaiman ( AS )died at the age of fifty two 52 while supervising JINNS for the construction of Baitul Maqdis


Hazrat Isa . ( AS ) He was born to Hazrat Maryam (AS ), in Palestine with out father. As a miracles to prove the innocence of his mother, Isa (AS ) spoke while he was just a baby in the cradle. The holy book Injeel ( BIBLE )was revealed on him. He was lifted towards ALLAH ( S T )while he was alive. As per the narrations of Saeed Ibunl Musayyab ( Rahimahullah ), the age of Isa ( AS ) at the time of being lifted by ALLAH ( S T ) was 33 years. He is still alive and will return to earth at Umayyad mosque to complete his life before Qiyamah

HAZRAT MUHAMMAD ( PBUH ), last of the Prophets was born in Makkah in 570 AD and brought up under the supervision of his grandfather Abdul Muttalib and later by his uncle Abu Talib. Even before his becoming a prophet he was considered to be man of high moral values and character. At the age of forty ALLAH ( ST ) gave him Prophet hood and started revealing the holy Quran on him. He stayed in Makkah for a decade after getting prophet hood and later migrated to Madina. He lived only 23 years after becoming Prophet and in this brief period, transformed the society around him and established comprehensive code of life. His statements that are narrated by his companions are a major source of Islamic jurisprudence

ConclusionThe purpose of this paper is to provide an opportunity to our younger lot to acquaint them to our Islamic history. The writer has tried to be as briefed as he could by touching upon the most attractive/ relevant part of their (Messenger.) life. The young people of our country are facing acute problem of guidance or material availability for study /reading. This humble attempt would facilitate their effort and give clear picture about our history. Allah almighty ( ST ) wanted from his humanity to worship him, trust in oneness of GOD and follow the path of righteousness in their life style.


References. This information has been extracted from the following publications.

1           Al-Bidayab Wan-nibayab by Ibn Kathir ( Darul Kutub Al    


2           Atlas of the Quran compiled by Dr. Shouqi Abu Khalil(

3           Maktaba


              Darussalam 2003


EX Senior Manager Admin, Logistics, & Security at Digital world Pakistan Pvt Ltd LAHORE

4 年

Good knowledge for young people?


EX Senior Manager Admin, Logistics, & Security at Digital world Pakistan Pvt Ltd LAHORE

4 年

This is for non believer?


EX Senior Manager Admin, Logistics, & Security at Digital world Pakistan Pvt Ltd LAHORE

4 年

This Article will be read by those who want to know more about Messenger of Allah ? But not to enhance islamic knowledge






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