Messaging with Wolverine using Apache Pulsar
As part of the Wolverine 3.0 release a couple weeks back, Wolverine gained a lightweight messaging transport option with Apache Pulsar.
“Lightweight” just meaning “it doesn’t have a lot of features yet”
To get started, first add this Nuget to your system:
dotnet add WolverineFx.Pulsar
And just like that, you’re ready to start adding publishing rules and subscriptions to Pulsar topics in a very idiomatic Wolverine way:
var builder = Host.CreateApplicationBuilder();
builder.UseWolverine(opts =>
opts.UsePulsar(c =>
var pulsarUri = builder.Configuration.GetValue<Uri>("pulsar");
// Any other configuration you want to apply to your
// Pulsar client
// Publish messages to a particular Pulsar topic
// And all the normal Wolverine options...
// Listen for incoming messages from a Pulsar topic
// And all the normal Wolverine options...
It’s a minimal implementation for right now (no conventional routing topology for example), but we’ll happily enhance this transport option if there’s interest. To be honest, the Pulsar transport has been hanging out inside the Wolverine codebase for years, but never got released for whatever reason. Someone asked about this awhile back, so here we go!
Watch this space tomorrow for an introduction to Wolverine's new, robust integration for GCP Pubsub!