Messages From PGP Mediation
Phyllis Pollack
Commercial | Civil Mediator at PGP Mediation - specializing in Employment, Personal Injury, Real Estate, Lemon Law, and Trademark disputes and Lecturer in Law at University of Southern California's Gould School of Law
For the past three years, many of us have been living on Zoom or a similar video conference platform. And?no doubt, many times our attention and minds have wondered, and we find ourselves looking?[Read More]
In their book, Essentials of Negotiation, Roy J. Lewicki, David M. Saunders and Bruce Barry (7th ed., McGraw-Hill, New York, 2021) set out the traditional negotiation styles. They include: Contending (also called competing or dominating)?[Read More]
This past Sunday, 60 Minutes had a segment on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and more specifically, on BARD – the AI program created by Google. During the segment, Scott Pelley asked BARD to create a short?[Read More]
Spoiler Alert: Much of the content below is computer generated created not by my brain but by computer “intelligence”! As a follow up to my blog last week about the use of AI, I decided?[Read More]
On Valentine’s day, 2023, Assembly member Jesse Gabriel introduced AB 924 to be added as Section 1770 to the California Code of Civil Procedure. Entitled, Alternative dispute resolution: complaints, it currently reads: SECTION 1.?Title?[Read More]
Every once in a while, I read about a case that has nothing to do with mediation other than creativity and feel compelled to write about it. As I have noted previously, there is one?[Read More]
The Westminster Dog Show was held earlier this month, and I watched part of it. Owning two English Springer Spaniels, I watched the Sporting Group competition and then the Best in Show competition in which?[Read More]
The Harvard PONS blog posted an interesting tale about a billionaire who bought a 53-acre parcel for $37.5 million encompassing Martin’s Beach in 2008. In?“When our “Principles “Crash up Against our Negotiation Goals,” by?[Read More]
In the?process of resolving any dispute, the parties usually begin by reciting the facts. Only after the facts are set out and the parties are generally in accord?with what occurred, do the parties?[Read More]
In our day-to-day living, we have encountered those (and indeed it may even be us) who have had a conflict of interest and so have disclosed it. It may have been our real estate?broker?[Read More]
A recent survey ( NADN-2022-SurveyOfLitigators-ViewsOnODR[64656])?conducted by the National Academy of Distinguished Neutrals found that prior to the pandemic and lock down in March 2020 only about 2% of litigation attorneys had ever attended?[Read More]
PGP Mediation | Los Angeles-Area Dispute Resolution
Mediation is a voluntary, confidential form of conflict resolution, which is designed to help parties find viable resolutions with the help of a neutral, third-party mediator. Phyllis Pollack, President of PGP Mediation in Los Angeles, California, has mediated more than 2,000 disputes for individuals and businesses in the past 19+ years.
Very interesting article about knitting while zooming!
Owner of King Law Firm, Attorneys at Law Inc. Specializing in Elder Abuse Litigation, Probate Litigation, and Conservatorships. Consultations ?? 951-834-7715 | Get my book "Getting Divorced, Now What?" Link below ??
1 年That's amazing! Thanks for sharing!
Abogada - Experta en Métodos Alternos de Solución de Conflictos
1 年Greetings from Quito - Ecuador