Message Passing
Russell Winder suggests that shared mutable memory is the root cause of concurrency problems such as race conditions, deadlock, and livelock. To improve application performance in the face of increasing processor cores, Winder advocates using processes and message passing instead of threads and shared memory. This programming model, which is used in languages like Erlang, avoids synchronization stresses and can be further enhanced with dataflow systems. To implement this approach in languages like C++, Java, and Python, Winder recommends using libraries and frameworks that provide process models and message passing. Ultimately, Winder believes that not programming with shared memory but instead using message passing is likely to be the most successful way of harnessing parallelism in modern computer hardware. #MessagePassing #Parallelism #Concurrency #SharedMemory #ProcessModel #DataflowSystems #LibraryFrameworks #ProgrammingLanguages