Message To My Younger Self
Sun setting on Okanagan Lake

Message To My Younger Self

Wisdom Principle #1- Find Your Mr Steel

You’ve probably heard something like this,

Never argue with a fool, they will only bring you down to their level.

Well never be impressed by someone trying to impress,

they will only make you feel, unimpressive.

I’ve shared before about my next door neighbour Mr. Steel.

He was pretty much the smartest man I ever knew.

Before the internet, he was my human equivalent to google.

When the libraries were closed and I needed information.

I would shout on Mr. Steel.

Literally, I had to shout, the man was a deaf as a post.

Probably brought on from decades of work inside heavy engineering.

Here’s the thing about Mr. Steel.

He was the most average man on the planet,

Cords, fair isle cardigans, glasses, messy hair, with quirky hobbies.

No matter the question, you could pretty much guarantee he knew the answer.

He couldn’t have cared less if you were impressed or not, all he wanted to do was help.

I’ve broadened my horizons over the years from that small town in Scotland

I consider myself fortunate enough to have worked alongside some of the best and brightest.

With Scientist friends who are on the cutting edge of research.

What do all of them have in common?

They are pretty all like Mr. Steel.

On the outside just like you and me.

They follow the old computer term WYSIWYG

What you see is what you get.

Not doing anything really to impress.

Because they don’t have too.

They know who they are.

They are approachable, easy to talk to and easy to understand.

They know where they have been and more importantly, they know where they are going.

Its all too easy to get sucked in by bright lights, fancy clothes and big words.

All too frequently its smoke and mirrors fabricated so you miss the

400lb Gorilla dancing across the basketball court.

Just like Oscar Zoroaster Phadrig Isaac Norman Henkle Emmannuel Ambroise Diggs.

They don’t want you to see behind the curtain.

Instead, choose character and substance.

Instead, find the Mr. Steels of the world.

Golf Delta 69


Oh, who is that Oscar dude, he’s the Wizard of OZ. I doubt even Mr Steel would have known that one, thanks Google and Wikipedia

No matter how hard you try, or how much you prepare. Things will inevitably go off track. If you want an honest look at how I handle life as an entrepreneur, a husband, a dad to 3 wee sheepdogs when things go right and inevitably when things go wrong.

Tune into the Sheepdog eXperience on Google, Spotify or Itunes

Want to know more about what it takes to become a Sheepdog dad and be the person you want them to become. What it takes to raise the next generation of strong confident resilient human beings who care about others and have the courage to follow their own path.

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Maybe there is something there for you.


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