A Message to the Military. Remember Your Oath, Protect All Americans
Terry Loerch
Founder & CEO | Uniting 1.7B Disabled Voices | AI & Tech| Marketing & PR Specialist | Published Author | Disability Advocate | Creator of Backstories | Proud full-time single Dad | Reshaping Accessibility l
To every service member and veteran who has taken the solemn oath to defend this nation: this is a reminder of what you stand for, what you’ve sworn to protect, and why your role is critical in upholding the values of our democracy. Recently, there has been an alarming rise in hateful rhetoric from individuals within military circles, targeting minority groups, the disabled community, and those who advocate for inclusivity. This is not only a betrayal of our collective humanity but also a direct violation of the sacred oath you pledged to uphold.
The military is a force designed to serve and protect all Americans, regardless of their race, nationality, religion, gender, sexual orientation, or ability. The Constitution you swore to defend guarantees freedom, equality, and protection for every person within our borders. When you choose to hate, discriminate, or intimidate those you’re sworn to protect, you betray not only your oath but also the very fabric of the country you serve.
The Oath You Took, A Commitment to Protect
When you enlisted, you made a promise:
"I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same..."
The Constitution is not selective in whom it protects. It does not prioritize one race, religion, or group over another. It is the foundation of a nation built on the promise of liberty and justice for all. The military’s mission is to uphold those values, to defend the defenseless, to protect the vulnerable, and to ensure that every American feels safe and valued under the flag you serve.
This duty extends beyond your time in uniform. Even as a veteran or a civilian, the values you uphold as a service member should guide your words, actions, and beliefs. If your behavior is now rooted in hatred or bigotry, you are actively working against the very principles you once pledged your life to defend.
Hate Has No Place in the Military
The rising tide of hate and division in our nation is deeply troubling, but it becomes even more dangerous when it infiltrates the ranks of those who are sworn to protect. Expressing hatred toward minority groups, whether it’s based on race, disability, sexual orientation, or nationality is not just immoral; it’s a violation of the principles you represent as a service member.
Hate weakens our military. It creates division within the ranks and undermines the unity that is essential to mission success. It damages the trust between the military and the civilian population it serves. And most importantly, it betrays the Constitution and the values it enshrines.
To Those Messaging Hate, You Are Violating Your Oath
I’ve received messages from individuals who claim to have served, attacking my beliefs in protecting the disabled community, advocating for equality, and standing up for all individuals regardless of race, gender, or background. Let me be clear, if you believe your military service entitles you to spew hatred or discriminate against others, you have fundamentally misunderstood the role of the armed forces.
Your duty is not to advance your personal beliefs or biases. Your duty is to protect everyone, including those who are different from you, those you may not agree with, and those who have been marginalized by society. When you use your position to intimidate, demean, or harm others, you are not a patriot, you are a traitor to the values of this nation.
What It Means to Protect and Defend
The military is not a tool for oppression. It is a shield for the vulnerable and a sword against tyranny. Every service member is taught the importance of protecting those who cannot protect themselves. This includes people with disabilities, marginalized communities, and individuals of every race, religion, and background.
As a member of the armed forces, you are entrusted with the power to safeguard the lives and freedoms of others. That power must never be used to discriminate or destroy. If you cannot rise above hatred, if you cannot respect and protect the diversity that makes this nation great, then you are unfit to wear the uniform or to call yourself a veteran of this honorable institution.
The Constitution Above All
The military oath is clear, your loyalty is to the Constitution, not to any individual or political ideology. That Constitution protects the rights of every single person within our borders. You must defend those rights, even when it is difficult, even when it challenges your personal beliefs.
The oath also requires that you obey the orders of the President and the officers appointed over you, but only if those orders are lawful and align with the Constitution. Blind obedience is not your duty; your duty is to uphold the principles of democracy and justice. Any action that violates the rights of others is a violation of your oath. Any attempt to place one group of Americans above another is a betrayal of your mission. When you act out of hatred, you are no longer defending the Constitution, you are undermining it.
Remember Who You Are
To those who serve or have served, let this be a reminder of who you are and what you stand for. The military is not a club for personal agendas. It is not a platform for hate. It is a force for good, a protector of democracy, and a defender of the people.
When you allow hatred to cloud your judgment, you are no longer a guardian of the Constitution, you become a threat to it. If you cannot stand for all Americans, then you violate your oath, and you are betraying the very principles you swore to protect.
Every service member is bound by the same commitment: to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic. When you let hatred and discrimination take root, you become the enemy you were sworn to protect against. Choose honor. Choose integrity. Choose to be the protector this nation needs, for every person under its flag.