A Message to Michigan's Lawmakers

A Message to Michigan's Lawmakers

As you navigate the final weeks of the current legislative session, we urge you to support a supplemental appropriation for Michigan’s 15 public universities to strengthen our state’s economic future and workforce development capabilities.

The role of public universities has never been more critical as Michigan works to retain and attract high-wage jobs and build a thriving middle class. Michigan’s job outlook through 2032 indicates that 84% of the top 50 high-wage occupations will require a four-year degree or higher. And while Michigan ranked 24th in the nation for state higher education funding per capita in 2000, it has fallen to 41st today. Despite recent historic investments in higher education, a sustained reinvestment is vital to empowering Michigan’s workforce to compete in a rapidly evolving economy.

The state universities of Michigan are requesting a modest supplemental increase of 2.5% in ongoing base support ($41 million) and the conversion of 1% in one-time funds included in the FY 2025 budget to ongoing funding. This investment will improve college affordability, accelerate workforce development programs, enhance student support services, improve campus safety, and help to increase degree completion rates.

The return on this investment is clear. Michigan residents with four-year degrees earn more than double the median wage of those with a high school diploma, generating additional tax dollars for the state to invest in our collective future. This funding is essential to ensure universities remain accessible, responsive to employer needs, and capable of producing the skilled graduates required to propel Michigan forward.

We are grateful for your leadership and partnership and respectfully request your support for this critical supplemental appropriation.
