Message of Hope
Have you ever wondered how a message of hope could save a Life, Career, and Marriage, how it could also heal a broken heart.
Little did we know that the potent that three words “It is Well” possess soothes a pain more than a Balm. The subtle things we don’t take cognizance of are weightier than we could imagine.
Life has its season, these seasons are phases of our lives, and are very peculiar to us based on how much we cherish them.
There are seasons when all hopes will be dashed, and it seems our World is falling apart, but if we look within we will see how well those times are meant to shape our lives to change the initial narrative to “Our World is falling into place”.
Have you wondered why people forget the times of pain within a short period their status changed? I don’t have a convincing answer yet, so I’ll categorize this under some of the unanswered questions lingering in my heart. But I have come to a conclusion that there is a Mystery to how God created the WORLD.
Why is it that only the thirsty knows the worth of water, the ones that once experience bitterness appreciate sweetness?
In times like this, where there is pain, pandemonium, crying, wailing, fear and tension everywhere in the World. Our hope is not lost, we are much stronger together. No one prays to lose a son, daughter, sibling, wife, husband, relative or neighbor no matter how cruel they might be.
I have a word of Hope: Our World is not falling apart; we are coming out of this stronger.
But, we all need to appreciate GOD for the good times we have enjoyed, and most especially for the sound health he has blessed us with, as we trust him for Peace in this new Month.
I’m still pondering on my thoughts; do you have an answer for me???
Happy new month!!!