A message from the woods
Kirsi Korhonen
Whirlwind of Competence. Your Partner in Internationalisation, Talent Attraction & Retention, Intercultural Awareness & much more.
Nature, our original home, plays a powerful role in our wellbeing. As a provider of nourishment, shelter and various resources, as well as a place to break away from our everyday routine. Nature can also provide an excellent scene for outside the box thinking.
Together with 3 000 peers I spent last weekend in the woods in Southern Finland, discussing and contemplating leadership and change. Johtajatulet (free translation Leader Fires) is a leadership seminar organized by the Guides and Scouts of Finland. It brings people together to share thoughts, experiences and expertise around leadership. Every time the event attracts more participants and attention with individuals, organisations and the media. This year’s event was widely presented in the media at least in Finland. Check #johtajatulet on social media and you’ll find pictures and texts by happy and impressed individuals.
This weekend is a brilliant example of taking big topics out of seminar halls and fair centres closer to the individuals wanting to develop themselves in becoming better leaders. Sitting on the warm ground surrounded by pine cones, trees and thousands of others interested in the same topic, makes the experience much more tangible than sitting in a lecture hall listening to a talking head, no matter how charismatic the speaker.
Johtajatulet certainly also had charismatic speakers. We started by hearing Alexander Stubb tell us his tips for managing our own resources (8 hours of sleep, work and free time) and self-development (1 hour of exercise, reading and max. 1 hour social media) every day. We finished by hearing futurist Perttu P?l?nen call for true commitment to solve global problems. In between were several other great speakers and hundreds of workshop, talks and bonfires all around the topic of better leadership and change. The keynote speakers also called for empathy and grace in remembering ourselves, each other and our home, the Earth, and keeping in touch with our environment and ourselves.
We are not alone here, and we cannot survive alone. The change we bring about must be better. It must solve the climate crisis, hunger, gender inequality and poverty. We must be sympathetic and loving towards one another and our world. There is no other way forward.
Spending several days in nature is always a great experience. Johtajatulet offered a chance to do so while addressing important issues and also having some great fun. Have you ever danced with hundreds of others in the woods? Or stared at the stars in the hot tub with dozens of others? Shared good deeds and thoughts with your peers around a bonfire? If not, give it a try (unless there’s a forest fire warning). It’s relaxing, eye-opening and fruitful, just like any good experience.
Today is national entrepreneur’s day in Finland. An entrepreneur certainly needs leadership and management skills to take their vision forward to something concrete while being mindful of various resources. I myself still relatively new to entrepreneurship but l have plenty of experience with leadership, the good, the bad and the downright ridiculous. As a trainer, service developer and consultant I lead and influence others in multiple ways, from giving my workshop participants impressions of Finnish working life to recommending steps in international talent attraction and retention to guiding my team in whatever project I manage.
Personal improvement and skills development are very important to me. Sharing from my own experience and expertise is also important, as I feel it is my privilege to be able to do so. Events like Johtajatulet offer great opportunities for both. And it was again lovely to hear one of my team members tell me that I had a been a good and supportive leader to them in creating and conducting our bonfire and workshop. I am also very fortunate that we have found each other and continue to want to share from our experiences and knowledge regarding global education, diversity and inclusion. Kiitos rakkaat rauhanturvaajat.
I warmly recommend such events to anyone wanting to get a different perspective to learning, sharing and co-creating. I am sure it would give anyone food for thought as well as tips and tools to take to practice. We influence each other in many ways, some obvious, some subtle. As an influencer, share what you believe in and are proud of. As a leader, be someone others want to follow. Be the change.
Whirlwind of Competence. Your Partner in Internationalisation, Talent Attraction & Retention, Intercultural Awareness & much more.
5 年My sincere thanks go to our 'peacekeeper' team for organising such quality programme again. You continue to amaze me with your enthusiasm, sharing and caring. And also to everyone else who made the event possible. You rock!