Message from the Universe: What lies ahead!
Dr. Dan Amzallag, PhD, C.B.T, M.B.A, C.L.C, NLP
Cognitive Behavior Psychotherapist and Life/Business/Retirement Coaching expert
“See through the fog that tells others nothing matters, nothing is happening, and it does no good.
They realize not that every second of history… was optional.
Burning down the house,
The Universe”
Dealing with naysayers is definitely a depressing session of constant negativity from people telling you that your idea won’t work, or to not waste your time, or whatever else. In many cases, you have the choice to stay away from these naysayers and learn to say NOTHING to avoid dealing with them in the first place. What if this constant negativity comes from within, where you own mind is the one polluting your efforts from becoming the person you want to be? What if you self-criticize so much that you stop moving forward even before you started your journey? Life is challenging, to say the least, so why add more to the equation? Why allow yourself to think this way?
I agree that practice makes perfect, and this applies to this scenario as well. You need to resist the temptation to bring yourself down this way by thinking negative when things go wrong. Humans tend to resist unfortunate circumstances happening in their life, and try to undermine the Universe by not allowing it to do what its suppose to do, and guess what? You will LOSE, and lose big. Remember that everything happens for a reason, and not you, me or nobody else can change reason. It is already set out there for it to happen, so why fight it? You do have some control though, and it is based on your thought. You reap what you sow so try sowing something great. The rest will follow accordingly. Through these many life challenges, learn to embrace the changes happening in your life and when things go wrong, figure out a way to do damage control, learn from the outcome as failure is a lesson in disguise and brush it out so you can focus more on the future. Nothing can be done to change to outcome so learn to live with it.