Message from the Universe: Visualizing your future.
Dr. Dan Amzallag, PhD, C.B.T, M.B.A, C.L.C, NLP
Cognitive Behavior Psychotherapist and Life/Business/Retirement Coaching expert
“However long it takes, however difficult it seems, or however lonely you may become, remember, you live in a dream world where everything can change in an instant.
Especially when you’ve been visualizing.
Love, love –
The Universe”?Mike Dooley,
Things can indeed change in an instant, however, hard work is a requirement to make things happen. You can’t be expecting or feel entitled for an outpouring of abundance if you haven’t taken the time to understand what it takes to succeed. Everything start with a thought, an idea, but to bring this idea to realization, you need to act on that thought and believe it will happen. Many say that it is impossible to predict the future, which I agree with you, but nothing was said that you can’t create your future. Visualizing what is ahead is somewhat a precursor to creating a future that wasn’t set yet, and that is because you are aligning the planetary system to make things happen the way you visualized it. It may be a bit difficult to wrap your mind around that principle, but why not try? Big dreams can be intimidating, and that is why many are too afraid to dream big, because they feel it will be impossible for these dreams to happen because of their lack of belief in themselves. By visualizing, you realize that anything and everything can happen with action and belief.
We know how tough life is, and we also understand that there is a balance in the Universe that allows some to succeed, and some to fail, and others to stay right in the middle. The ones in the middle are just living a safe life, a life where they are adverse to risk and refuse to accomplish greatness because of uncertain circumstances that might occur if they follow their dreams. They choose to just surf the wave of life without really doing more than what they are being told. The one who fails are the one who are stuck in negativity, depression and sadness that they can’t seem to accomplish much in life and do not have the energy or belief that they will amount to anything. Finally, the 2 or 3% remaining are the ones who will stop at nothing to make their dreams come true, especially after failing over and over again. They will push through hell and will come out winners. They will experience many challenges, but that will feed their pursuit to ultimate happiness and abundance. Why not be a part of that 3% right?
Dr. Dan Amzallag, PhD