A Message From Spring 2020...
Beverly J. DeSimone
Author, Host of BevDeShow, Sales training specialist, Publisher
Last year at the beginning of our country's and world's most incredible confusion and upset I wrote this. I believe it is still an appropriate message ... On this May 18, 2021.
I wanted to share something with you, thoughts and a set of words I visit often, a message to myself I guess. Updated with thoughts on this May 18th, 2020 cloudy day…
Now why would I do this? Because it is a lifelong message from me to you. I guess it is something I would like for my daughters to keep close when times are good and when they get rough.
From the Heart
Be safe, sometimes soft, yet stay strong,
Cry the tears; laugh so hard it hurts.
The easiest person to laugh at is you…do it often… be right, be wrong… it is okay to be both of those things.
Take in the fresh air, the crisp new fresh air on those early spring days just coming off of a long winter. Never take for granted the musty scents, when it is warm and cold all at once, when those autumn leaves are falling. Take it all in and don’t forget, step out and inhale and exhale the really cold air in winter; the kind of air that is so clean and cold that it hurts.
Make mistakes, get knocked down, get back up, and brush yourself off.
Forgive you, forgive others.
Love you, love someone, love and treasure something,
You must claw and keep digging until you find purpose and accountability.
Look up the definitions of humble and humility and try to make this a part of who you are.
Understand and know that you will try and fail… but don’t you dare ever give up.
Get up, show up, apologize when you are late; but show up.
Look up the definition of peace… see where that rests in your life and visit it often.
Turn the music up. Listen to every instrument with purpose. Give each sound, each voice the attention it deserves for they are doing their best to give you the most amazing experience and listening pleasure. Let it create a memory, let it make you cry, dance, sing and let it make your heart race. But let go and let it do its thing. Sing to the top of your lungs. Dance and don't be afraid to sweat. Celebrate. Never forget, music is life. Breathe.
You know, you may find your peace sitting outside watching the wind kiss the leaves on the trees. It may be watching the overwhelming earth as the ocean's waves come crashing in. Or it might be curling up and reading a good book or watching a movie and allowing them to take us to amazing places and encourage our imaginations to run wild as we become a part of that story telling experience. Maybe painting a beautiful landscape, or digging in some dirt, planting, making a contribution to nature…or placing all the nuggets of a puzzle together…but find that thing.
For me, I must write every day… I must remember my peace is in my writing. I need to remember why I do it… please know that it is scary sometimes to share my heart on the written page … but I have to do it anyway. God told me I had to and to not stop. It might be read by many, it might be read by one or none, yet a 100% way that it won’t be read is if I don’t do it.
I have a print in my house hanging… “Every day do one thing that will take your breath away” You know what? When I don’t it becomes a dismal day. Running too many of those together… life becomes a bit confusing and bland. Then the W’s questions start entering and clouding my head. The ole, why am I here, who am I, what do I want to become and how can I get there, where is there and who is with me? You know what comes from that? Self-discovery and reason sure, not bad to do it once in a while, take some inventory. But don’t get stuck there.
Writing, sharing, talking on the show takes my breath away every single time.
Just so you know, we need you; we want you here at your 'life excellence.' It is very hard at times I know. 'Fear' can be the strongest entity in your life. It comes in many colors shapes and sizes. Lead with the opposite… fear is good, keeps us smart and wise… but don’t let it lead your life.
I have another set of words that are at my left, right up on top of my desk that I look at daily. “May you have the Wisdom to find your purpose and the Courage to make a difference.” Tough advice. Hard to keep them going; but in my opinion we must listen when it is quiet, see beyond what is in front of us. It is called work. I suppose most of us were gifted with the 5 senses to use, but sometimes we take them for granted. Think about how to make them work for you and give it a go.
Recent events caused our world to be completely different and forever changed. Don’t lose YOU in the process. Our world needs positive forces and warriors. Strong ones, those that aren’t afraid to be wrong, those that aren’t afraid to learn and become.
A wise person said this and I never, ever want to forget it. He was talking about motivation…"we don’t go to the garden and scream ‘go away weeds!' with the expectation that they will vanish." That isn’t how it works is it? We have to lean down, take our hands and pluck each one. We do this so that they don’t choke the flowers, so they can grow to their tallest, most beautiful color. Yet please remember, those flowers need you, they can't do it alone. You need you! Pull those weeds. Lessen the choking of what can be holding you back. Stand at your tallest most beautiful color.
Do it for you, do it for others, but please give it a go and try.
This isn’t over. We are just getting started!
p.s. Just so you know, I don't have it all figured out and that these words are written for me to follow for I get distracted, sad, unproductive and scared. But these words are truth. Written for me and you. I thank you for reading.
Have a lovely day, God loves you!