One of the greatest, devastating, and most terrifying war on humanity is the war of one own self! This has been humanity’s longest, disastrous, and unforgivable war known to man. A war without end; as humanity has no end. And with every new day, comes new ways of destruction to obliterate humanity’s last sanctuary…humanity’s inner peace. Yet we continue to struggle and fight…but what are we truly fighting for?
It is clearly obvious that we all have a part to serve in this war, no matter how much we choose to omit ourselves from the battle. Every day, month, and year, we plan to escape the battlefield of our minds, whether through, entertainment, sports, religion, or vices. The battlefield or as I call it our ‘ID’ is forever in battle with our higher conscience of our minds and our reality. With numerous minefields and booby traps, hidden in our daily lives which we call, failures, disappointments, physical and emotional pain. With allies such as, friends, family, and group support to temporarily ease our pain or attend to our wounds, before our next battle. But I ask, why do we allow the battle to continue? Why do we allow the casualties of our family, our friends, our happiness, and our dreams to continue? Why do we continue to do battle within ourselves? The answer is simple…because without war…what would be the meaning of Peace?
Peace will forever be fleeting! A unicorn that we will never see or expect to see. Yet, some of us yearn for it to no avail. Some even commit their entire lives to obtaining peace for themselves and others, to eventually return back to the battlefield of the mind. Therefore, I say, battle on!
If the battle for peace is means battling forever…then I would gladly accept being at war forever. Accepting the way things are is better than trying to imagine what a life can be. Understanding the battlefield of life is safer than trying to escape it. Only when we accept this fact in the core of our minds, we will be able to be truly at peace. Peace is War! And War is Ultimate Peace!
Battle On!
Director of Plant Operations at Senior Lifestyle (Addington Place)
3 年Change in ourselves and the world we live in, seems to be a painfully slow process. But if we don't make an effort nothing will happen at all. Change will not take place because of decisions taken by governments or so called leaders. Real change will take place when individuals transform themselves guided by the values that lie at the core of all human ethical systems, scientific findings, common sense, and true wisdom. There's no cause righteous enough to justify the killing of innocent people. Gaining wisdom, we then prosper together, by investing in people, not systems of control. Sacred places are the foundation of all beliefs and practices, because they represent the presence of the sacred in our lives. They properly inform us that we are not larger than nature and that we have responsibilities to the rest of the natural world that transcend our own personal desires. A world longing for light again, will come to those who seek wisdom. So perhaps the real work is just getting our act together as a society, because currently, uncommon sense is an incurable plague.