A Message from the Principal of MySchool International on the Occasion of the New Academic Year (2023-24)
MySchool - IB World School
MySchool offers IB PYP and MYP curriculum to students aged 3-14 and general bilingual diploma to high school students.
A Message from the Principal of MySchool International on the Occasion of the New Academic Year (2023-24)
?Education has always been a catalyst for progress and a key to a brighter future and hope for the better. MySchool has always prioritized improvement and embraced changes. We have always strived to prepare our students for the world of tomorrow. Undoubtedly, the start of the journey is the most pivotal step, and paves the way to the actualization of aspirations and hopes.?
?My children, My School students,
?Welcome, dearest students. We ask God Almighty that our new academic year be a blessed one full of learning and knowledge. Welcome to your school, the pinnacle of knowledge and skills. We are committed to your future. We will help you turn your dreams and aspirations into reality. We will strengthen your educational environment with all the updates and developments in the educational field, with a large variety of state-of-the-art educational resources and methods. We also benefit from qualified academic staff.?
Furthermore, we will continue with our sustainable activities - as we succeeded in launching and establishing last year the first commercial company for business studies students - and many activities that support your learning and education.?
Moreover,? we follow the International Baccalaureate programs, which are world-renowned, and educational practices and performances in order to develop your skills? to fulfill the requirements of the labor market.
?My best academic team,
?The steps to success are many and their paths are different, complementing each other in order to build a generation that is aware of its future and the issues of its homeland and nation.? You are here to fulfill your responsibilities and your just cause by preserving the identity of our beloved homeland Oman and our Arab and Islamic nation, and even the identity of each individual student, in order to achieve the vision and philosophy of MySchool International which adopts a system of values, concepts and global citizenship in all its human aspects.
?MySchool teachers, it is your responsibility this year - as it is in all years - to embrace all talents, creativity and innovation in teaching and learning so that your impact becomes a light that guides the school community in all fields and without borders. You are the leaders in the field with your multiple tools (pen,? intelligence, artificial intelligence, learning and e-learning, the renewed curriculum, etc.) and all educational developments, both locally and internationally.
?Parents/Caregivers of MySchool International,
?You are our partners in building the country, and without you the building is not complete. We can build the promising generation to achieve our hopes and aspirations for our children through your interaction and effective and constructive participation with the teachers and administrators of the school to achieve our desired mission.? Fortify it by accompanying us on all occasions to share the best with our children, so that joy and happiness prevail in their hearts and adorn their innocent and kind faces.
?And I ask God to bless all of us this year, God-willing, and to protect His Majesty Sultan Haitham bin Tariq.
?Happy new year.
?MySchool International Principal
Samia Moosa Al Balushi