A message from the funereal
Hello !
Good Morning !!
I'm sorry this is not a good morning for us i got a bad news Sandy Dad is no more. Meet you there. That's how the conversation ended . A group of friends met together after a long time to pay the last respect . The day passed on and the day came the end in the burial ground .
Two friends picked up a conversation and one listening to it. One , with an average mind set and average in all aspects started the conversation " Life is short no matter what you are ,who you are" , 6 feet is only left out for all at the end. No matter what ever you do in life, it all goes vein and its better to stay calm and go as the life flows.
The Second started i would rather take in this way " Life is short and sweet" the death reminds me the limitation of the time to prove me before i die. So, death is a great motivator and reminder to all that time on earth is very limited.If you want to prove yourself please start doing it now as the time is limited for all.
Death gives the message that time is limited no matter who you are , where you are, what you are .....