A message from CRU
Serious and cautious times we are in these days for sure. Cleanliness is truly a very important rule needed to follow now. Not only your own personal hygiene but careful of any germ particles that may be in the air. That ac/ heating ducting system in your home or business is in fact recirculating the germs and dust particles in the air that is how the system operates. Flow comes into your intake and then does pass through a filter and then back out through your supply vents. A good cleaning/ disinfecting of your ducting system probably would be a good thing to get done right now. A filter check is also a very good idea these days. Here at Contractors Are Us we understand the seriousness these days and are working everyday to ensure everyone who is in need of this type of cleaning is put on the schedule as quickly as possible. We also know that the status of funds for many is not very strong due to the in home shelter. That is why we will offer during this time a 10% discount for anyone who would like to schedule a cleaning/ sanitization of their ducting system. We hope everyone is staying safe and healthy and look forward to this sad time ending as much as you do. Offices in The San Francisco Bay area and surrounding areas and in Los Angels County and surrounding areas. Phone 707-655-0200 for Northern California and 323-282-0537 for Southern California. Or email to [email protected] for either location.Cru