A Message from Alife on Roe v. Wade

At Alife, we believe in every individual’s right to access all forms of fertility and reproductive medical care.?

Now, more than ever, our team is committed to developing technologies that will enable reproductive medical providers to offer the most effective care possible and serve all those who need their services. Every day, we are motivated by our mission to make fertility care more accessible, equitable, and inclusive for people everywhere.?

A Supreme Court decision to overturn Roe v. Wade will have significant implications for anyone seeking reproductive care, especially members of marginalized communities who already face disproportionate hurdles in accessing treatment. For the IVF community in particular, one concern is how this area of legislation would impact the legal status of in-vitro fertilized embryos and clinicians' ability to safely and effectively perform IVF procedures.?

Alife is committed to sharing up-to-date information to help our community through this and advocate for everyone’s access to care. We want to point our community to the best resources available for information and news as it pertains to their fertility care. We encourage you to support and follow ASRM, RESOLVE, and Planned Parenthood as they continue to provide updates and ways to take action.



