Message for EU people, especially for Germans.

In the West I see how people really like to split by very clear criterion: right vs left, pro-climate vs big oil shills, etc. They hate people from the opposite camp with passion.

For some reason, people don't do this on the topic of russo-Ukrainian war (it's not Ukrainian war, just like the russo-Japanese war was not "Japanese war"). They try to refrain from judgement. They have an opinion of "peace for everyone, we are all people", or "we are for everything good, against everything bad".

I will give my opinion why such points of view are pretty bad and why only one position is inherently good (supporting Ukraine, of course).

I will preface this text with the statement that russia is a terrorist state. It's a given. Feel free to just check the list of their crimes: There's a lot of sins on their tally, the most obvious proof is that they level our multi-apartment complexes with their missiles. They systematically try to harm as many civilians as possible.

And one more important point. People from EU or the States don't actually speak russian en masse. The only thing they know about that country is just some Tchaikovsky, "Tolstoevsky", ballet and lots of goofy videos.

You see, just because 150 years ago there were a few dozen brilliant minds in that country, doesn't mean that the current country and its population has anything to do with those minds (also, for the record, Dostoevsky would be ecstatic about the russian invasion).

For anyone who can understand russian language and has at least once seen the russian social networks, it's a plain fact that they really hate Ukrainians, they consider us to be subhumans, but with genetic material worthy of integrating to their population. They also enjoy gloating over dead Ukrainians, they are ecstatic about destroying and killing us. It's so much fun for them.

Unfortunately, people from EU and USA will only see the "good" tip of the iceberg and never know about what an average russian thinks (also known as "deep nation" according to one of the high-rank russian politicians).

There are few points of view I have noticed that Germans have. Here are my comments of them:

1. if you're supporting russia's invasion in Ukraine (it includes war crimes, genocide, mass murders and rapes), you are a Nazi, fascist, and terrorist.

2. If you are actively supporting the immediate "peace", if you go to the "peace" demonstrations, you are helping russia's terrorist policies. Let me explain. In the current conditions the immediate "peace", as seen by those people demonstrating in Berlin from time to time, means "no support for Ukraine, no weapons, no money" aka "we let russia keep killing Ukrainians and take over" aka "genocide, repressions, mass murders". That's the manipulation that you shouldn't fall for. The bully should be punished, not encouraged.?If Ukraine stops fighting, it will cease to exist together with its people. If russia stops fighting and pull out the forces, the war will simply be over.

3. If you are neutral on this, then you're basically allowing Nazis, fascists, and terrorists do what they want to do. As long as it's not on your back yard.

4. If you're saying that Zelensky should just communicate with Putin and start negotiating, you're just desecrating all the victims of russian aggression. This war (the biggest one in Europe since WW2) is not some feud of two people. It's the all-out vile attack of russians on us. Negotiating with terrorists means encouragement of ongoing genocide, mass murders, war crimes, and terrorist attacks by russia. Negotiating with terrorists only shows them that what they're doing is working. Would you negotiate with someone who killed your family? Or would you want this person to go to jail for eternity? It's very easy to say such things when it's far from you.

5. If you make a distinction between russian people and russian government, you are... for some reason applying different criteria for them. Why? In Germany the government is chosen by people, in other EU countries the government is chosen by people, but for some reason in case of russia you give them this benefit of a doubt. Somehow putin's power comes from some other source than from his own people. One person cannot make 140 million people do something against their will. It's impossible. putin is so successful in that country because he does what russians want deep inside. In no country there's a gap between people and government. It's one system despite what people want to believe. It's an unpleasant reality. If, as some people in EU think, there are lots of russians that are against war and against putin,?then how did they end up in such a sorry condition? Maybe, the vast majority is supporting him or just being indifferent (and indifference kills nowadays). Thinking that russian people are separated from the russian government can lead to russian Nazis and terrorist not getting the punishment they deserve. Punishing one (or ten, or one hundred) people from the top is not enough. That is the outcome all other russian criminals are hoping for. That would not be appropriate for the size and amount of war crimes these people have committed. We've seen it already in Germany and Japan after WW2.

For the sake of freedom, western values and avoiding of such bloody pointless attacks in the future, the only way to go through it is actually helping Ukraine protect itself from the terrorist state.

Anne Westphal

Yoga ? Marketing ? Analytics

1 年

Thank you Serhii, I agree 100%!



