Message-Copy-Content: Are they one and the same?

Message-Copy-Content: Are they one and the same?

At the first instance this seems like all three words mean the same, but with the advent of digital medium, there is a difference of the three words in the current context, and that is what we explore in 4 points


Message = Idea

Copy = Words (Mostly Offline)

Content = Language (Mostly Online)


A message is an idea or concept that you communicate to a target audience through a variety of activities.

Copy is the articulation of the message for a specific activity.

Content writing is the process?of writing, editing, and publishing content in a digital format.


The message is ease of use, but the copy is very creative, clever and easy to remember. ‘

The copy conveys the idea and may or may not use the specific words.

Content comes down to creating the language for digital formats — and (at least in our case) for marketing purposes.


Messages should focus on a single core idea.

Copy can and should change frequently to should reflect current industry trends, cultural icons and social phenomena..

Content convey meaningful, helpful, and insightful messages to inspire and move an audience to take action — that action being a final sale.


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