???????The Monster of Plastic has reached the ocean. The so-called Seventh Continent has been polluting more than half of the Pacific Ocean, more than 3 times the size of France. We are talking about an important amount of garbage found in the middle of the sea. It is a real whirlwind of trash.?
?All species are affected: 52% of sea turtles, 70% of fish, and 90% of seabirds have ingested plastic. An estimated 60 to 95% of marine pollution is due to plastic. There is a limit to the amount of pollution our ecosystems can absorb. We realized far too late the enormous impact of our actions towards the planet. Nowadays our duty is to reduce its threats to protect the environment and these oceans.
Why not work by steps ? problem by problem ? Find a solution to remedy this. Make it a better world. Show a better way to impact our world differently in a positive way.?It is very simple to reduce the use of plastic, which is one of the major products impacting the ocean today. Us, human beings are the first factor that could contribute and put an end to this.
We have listed 10 ways to help cleaning the oceans.
1. Use Fewer Plastic Products (Solution for the? future, add example of companies)?
A new form of consumption? was born a few years ago. This consumption must be globalized on a large number of products. This will considerably reduce our consumption of plastic.? In tomorrow's world, our supermarkets will have to offer a section where we can buy your food in bulk: rice, pasta, starchy foods, nuts, cereals, muesli, etc. In January 2020, Juste Bio is betting to be the first European SME ( without polluting packaging. The company is not only working on the primary packaging but on all its logistics, glues, inks, cartons, labels, etc.?
Moreover, to fight against the consumption of plastic we will have to replace 100% of plastic. The use of cardboard packaging is the solution that would allow us to enjoy a more sustainable world.? This material is more recyclable.?Our consumption of plastic straws and cutlery accounts for 4% of the plastic waste in the ocean. These products must be abolished in our future. These futile products are a real threat to our planet.?Framheimen establishes diagnoses allowing restaurant owners to analyze the composition of their waste and, if possible, to recycle it. The company, in collaboration with tiquet restaurant, has created a label to highlight restaurant owners who fight against food waste.
2. Mind Your Carbon Footprint and Reduce Energy Consumption?
L’acidification des océans met en péril les squelettes calcaires des coraux et les autres biocalcificateurs. Oleksandr Chub/Shutterstock, CC BY-NC-ND
What is ocean acidification? Acidification is the gradual decrease in the pH of the oceans. To remedy this, we need to reduce our footprint and Reduce Energy Consumption.
First of all, using public transport instead of a private car reduces the pollution caused by motor vehicle exhaust. second Within a household, this can be achieved by using green energy, such as solar panels and LED light bulbs. In addition, the location of 'cold' appliances such as fridges and freezers accounts for an average of 18% of a household's electricity consumption; placing them near the oven, a radiator or in direct sunlight can lead to over-consumption. Similarly, new dishwashers can be more water efficient than hand washing.?It is important not to leave your phone or computer plugged in as they use 50-80% of the energy when the battery is full. Buy fish from sustainable fisheries, and illegal fishing companies will no longer find a market.
3. Reuse and recycle your products
It is always good to remember that a reused or recycled product is one that does not end up in the sea. Buying a plastic water bottle and throwing it away just after you finish it is the reason why thousands of bottles end up in the sea, a reusable stainless steel bottle that you can refill is a good alternative.
4. Help Take Care of the Beach
The use of natural products is to be preferred, besides the fact that it is better for you and your health, it also allows to protect the fauna and the flora.
It is imperative to avoid any fire on the beach and of course to throw away your waste. There are many volunteer garbage collection groups, and given the amount of pollution there is, this is not an easy task.
Beaches are not garbage cans, and participate in the maintenance of it. And there is no more trend than to protect the environment and start acting. It is not enough to talk! Actions are what we need!
And for all the smokers, stop throwing your butts in the sand, there is nothing easier than to get a small box and throw them away later.
Have the desire to live in a clean healthy environment as the team of Randwick City Council (
5. Be an Ocean-Friendly Pet Owner?
Becoming an ocean-friendly pet owner means adopting some very simple behaviors. Analyze the food you use for your pet, tuna food for example. See if it comes from responsible fishing or not.
Concerning your pet's wastes, it is unfortunately not possible to control their flow. Therefore, prefer compostable dog bags to plastic, buy cat litter made of bamboo, corn or other biodegradable products. Remember not to flush your cat's waste, as it can transmit deadly parasites to endangered wildlife.
6. Support Organizations Working to Protect the Ocean?
We are all concerned by this problem and we also all wish to find the solution for a simpler ocean. There is no miracle solution.It is thanks to the effort of each one that we will manage to find our ocean of before.?
The Bloom association ( is dedicated to the oceans. Its mission is to create a sustainable pact between man and the sea. Its objective is to protect the ocean and the species it shelters while promoting sustainable jobs in fishing and aquaculture.
The Tara Ocean Foundation ( is also solely dedicated to the cause of a clean ocean.?
Greenpeace ( is has more than three million members around the world who support it and act with it. Its fights for the protection of the oceans. The mission of Greenpeace is to create a network of marine reserves that would cover at least 30% of our oceans and develop sustainable fishing.
WWF ( is one of the world's leading environmental organizations involved in the protection of our environment. WWF places the protection of the oceans at the center of its priorities.? Its mission is to ensure sustainable productivity of fisheries and resilience of marine ecosystems by improving the livelihoods of coastal communities and maintaining biodiversity. It would not be possible to cite all these organizations that work for a better world. Our mission is to be part of the solution, not part of the pollution.
7. Influence Change in Your Community
Today, new professions have emerged, including those of influencers. Indeed, influencers are followed by many users and some have a very large community. This is why it is necessary to exploit this profession and "influence" as many people as possible.
Following the evolution of social networks, in the future, influencers could become part of an association or start-up in order to encourage their community to join.?
Then, we can also call upon virtual influencers specialized in the protection of the oceans and who will be seen everywhere on the networks to talk about the impacts of the oceans.
8. Educate Yourself About Oceans and Marine Life?
Educating our children and ourselves on environmental issues is becoming urgent. Learning how to preserve the fauna and flora, the ecosystems and aquatic life in general is up to us. Some schools have already started to teach youngsters about the importance of the oceans on our planet and why it is urgent to take care of them. The most sustainable solution would be to teach good habits and good gestures from a very young age, to have associations or professionals intervening in schools and companies in order to educate and train as many people as possible.
9. Use biodegradable packaging for family outings by the sea?
Thousands of tonnes of packaging are spilled into our oceans every day. On average, the decomposition time of a plastic bottle can range from 100 to 1000 years. Solutions should be put in place, such as the design of fully biodegradable packaging. Indeed the startup "NOTPLA" (, composed of a team of designers and chemists, engineers and entrepreneurs, creates packaging made from seaweed and plants
In the future, perhaps packaging could clearly disappear. But in the meantime, in the trade, it would be a matter of reducing packaging as much as possible and replacing it with bulk sales..
10. Teach children? from an early age to respect the environment
It is important to educate our children and future generations about climate and environmental change. Indeed, the more environmental values are taught to young people, the more impact they will have in the future.??
To this end, an environmental subject could be proposed or even made compulsory in schools. Indeed, this subject will be complete and will explain the consequences and solutions to adopt to protect our planet.? Schools could create extra-curricular activities dedicated to our oceans. To get as close as possible to our land and understand the impact they will have in the future.
With these future solutions we have to think about our future generation who can change the world. The seas are in our hands, we have to make the changes, act for the planet, the seas and think about your child, grandchild that will help and make the next move. Save the ocean.?
If you want to know more, read this article from the Ocean Clean Up :
You can also check this SingularityHub article about Tech solutions and research to clean up the ocean :