Message For A Baby
Presented February 12, 2020 to a private gathering.
This is the text from an approximately five minute video I made describing what I would say to a baby if there was only one message I could convey to that child. Thus the wording is casual and conversational. Now, would that baby understand anything I said? Well no. Yet, I feel fairly certain, given the research I have read the past few years, that infants soak up pretty much everything that they experience in their environment: our words, our emotions, all of it. So this short speech would be planted seeds.
When it comes down to it, we all can gain from this message. There are so many beliefs that we took in as children that have no factual basis and yet we live our lives according to them still, even if they hurt us. Our egos would rather we be right, or its version of safe, than be happy.
I wanted to get something substantial across for this project. At the time, I had been having a bit of a rough patch with my own old patterns, so in a way I was also talking to myself. I imagined that the child was in my lap bouncing and playing in a sunny mood as I smiled and said these serious things gazing into his or her eyes.
This pep talk was well received in the community in which I presented it. And as I watched it, It lifted my spirits as well. It is my life philosophy in five minutes. At some point I expect that Linked In will get a bit more user friendly for videos. At that point, I may post the original instead of this transcript or perhaps a shinier version of it.
Little One,
I have one thing I want you to hear in this one chance I have to influence you. We know words do not teach, that only experience does. Nevertheless, I want to drop these seeds in, so that hopefully they will sprout in your life later on.
What I have to say to you is that you are a magnificent spirit having a human lifetime. That is number one. The adults around you are doing the level best they can, regardless of what it looks like. They really are. And so, they are probably going to teach you that you are separate from Spirit, but that is never true! Spirit is always there. It is only like clouds covering the sun when you can not feel it.
I wish that I could wave a magic wand and fix it for you, so that you do not take on the “truth” of the adults around you as your own truth. But the fact of the matter is, as human children we are wired to do that: to take on The truth of the adults as our own truth. We take on not just their behavior, but also the emotional undertones they are experiencing. And you will not even know you are doing it, taking this all in as your own. It will just happen! It is part of the challenge of being a human being. It's the game, and we are here to play it.
So if you could hang on to that, you will notice that there are always going to be seeds. There are always going to be hints of what the Truth really is. It's going to be through magical moments, things you see in nature or the kindness of people. There will always be things there that cue you in to what the Truth really is. And the Truth really is that only love is real. And all the rest of it is an illusion which is a pretty way of saying it is a lie.
When you could keep that in your heart, you are going to have some magnificent experiences and make some magnificent contributions in the world. And it's going to be fun! Actually it will probably be fun anyway…. you are going to mess up and it is still going to be fun! Probably you are going to get sucked in to the illusion like pretty much all of us do. We get sucked in and we screw up. But remember, you created this! It's your creation, your movie if you want a good analogy for it. And all the people in your movie, are simply actors in your story. So you can let them all off the hook. They are innocent. You drew them in. They are doing their story. They are doing their roles in your story.
And you can let yourself off the hook too. Because like I said, we are wired to take on the adults’ truth as our truth. And we can't really help that. That is the way it is. Again, it is the game.
Now when you know, when you come to the understanding that it is your creation, then you are free to create something else. And Spirit will show you the way. Spirit will lead you to the people who will help you to do that. And I highly suggest that you do! Although, ego is going to pitch a battle when you do sometimes. Because your ego is not going to want you to change that. For your ego, it feels like your survival is at stake. Your ego functions as if your survival depends on you not changing. But, like I said, that is a mistake. That is a lie that ego tells you.
Anyway, last thing, and really, the most important. Spirit always loves you! And I love you! That is never, never, never going away, although my physical being will die, and someday your will too. Love is all there is and Love is eternal.
So that would be my message to a baby. And like I said, words don't teach, only experience does. That being said, that is the message I would want to drop in there, even know that infant would not understand me or single word I said. Who knows if I would have a chance to say it again when that child got older. Those are the seeds that I would want to sow, now that I am a good bit wiser than I was when my own children were infants.