This message is to all Real Estate brokers in the Los Angeles area.
Change is inevitable! And so, my hope is that you see new apps being developed by companies to eventually get rid of brokers all together! And the companies you work for are going to concern themselves with their future, not yours! This will trigger those companies to create their own apps offering a similar, competitive product! Either way, the brokering days are numbered! Commercials are being aired as we speak! And I’d like to believe you’ve seen some of them! Nevertheless, I am proposing an opportunity that will ensure that your future will be bright! And it’s something right up your alley!
We’re wanting to purchase 9505 Lania Ln Beverly Hills CA 90210. 11/11/2019 starts year 6 this property has been on the market! The property was originally purchased on 02/08/2007. Then placed on the market 11/10/2014 for $195M. Over the years it has since then come down and currently sits at $129M. The annual taxes are $30M plus. Start focusing on your future, and not the company you work for! They’ll be OK, but will you?