Message 15: Leadership or Rulership 3

God delights not in all these types of governance (leadership lifestyle) was the reason why nobody is an encyclopedia of knowledge, we are created to need one another. You can’t be an island when it comes to walking with and working for God (or in governance, at home front or workplace, etc.) You are expected to succeed along with others because whatever God will want any leader to accomplish will always be bigger than the individual and that is the reason why there is the need of others to be fulfilled in this life (or anything). It was an encounter with God as I passed through the leadership training of this organization called Lead Like Jesus, my orientation and understanding about leadership changed for the better, you know, it became clearer the servant-leadership lifestyle of Jesus.


The motivation behind the attainment of leadership positions should be verified if possible though only God can correctly detect what is hidden in the heart of man. Imagine, when the soldiers were looking for Jesus it took a kiss of betrayer from one of His disciple Judas Iscariot (close associate) to give Him out because He was humbled enough not to be conspicuously different to His disciples. How many leaders today are same, if not that many of them are so clothed in distinctive regalia to flaunt and showcase that they are the authority (the ruler). The simplicity of a leader could sometime show to us that their heart is in service and not in servitude of their citizens.


The Lead Like Jesus organization made it very simple to understand the art of leadership (leading like Jesus did). The study has four domains (The Heart, The Head, The Hand, and The Habits) and we will be considering these in the future time but presently this is tips: The Heart of a Leader – our motivation or why we lead. This is where transformation begins. Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flow from it Proverbs 4:23.


The Head of a Leader – what we think and believe about leadership, people, and work. It influences our choices and decisions. Without a vision, the people will perish… Proverbs 29:18.


The Hands of a Leader – the Heart and the Head are vital to leadership but at some point what leaders do matters most. This domain impacts leaders’ actions; thinking more about others than themselves, loving and helping them to progress.


The Habits of a Leader – how leaders stay intimately connected with God through those practices they consistently do to keep up with Him. Be determined to be a Leader and not a Ruler. Start to take the lead today by inviting Jesus into your heart.


