Mesotechnology is a field of study that uses nanostructured building blocks to create new materials, products, and manufacturing processes. It's a bridge between nanotechnology and the macroscopic world.
Meso-technology involves the production/usage of materials of wide range of lengths to construct meso-scopic devices. Their wide variety of sizes (from too small to too big) makes them ideal for various applications.
Mesotechnology describes a budding research field which could replace nanotechnology in the future as the primary means to control matter at length scales ranging from a cluster of atoms to microscopic elements. The prefix meso- comes from the Greek word mesos, meaning middle, hence the technology spans a range of length scales as opposed to nanotechnology which is concerned only with the smallest atomic scales.
mesotechnology will be used to control the flow of light. This field is called mesophotonics. Mesolasers might replace conventional lasers due to their convenient dimensions and low power usage.
Mesotechnology is used in many fields, including electronics, medicine, and biotechnology. It can also be used to improve skin and hair health.
Meso-technology involves the production/usage of materials of wide range of lengths to construct meso-scopic devices. Their wide variety of sizes (from too small to too big) makes them ideal for various applications.