Mesias Ven
Let us pray!
Our Father in heaven, Hallowed be Your Name. Your kingdom come. Your…
Wait. "Your kingdom come." What’s that? Why is it part of the Lord’s Prayer?
At first, I hadn’t given this much thought, but then I stopped to wonder what that statement really means in the Lord's Prayer.
Right after the salutations and honoring our Heavenly Father, the Lord says the next thing on our priority list when we follow the prayer order He's given us is "Your Kingdom come."
I turned to the Bible commentaries to find out more.
This is what I got from Matthew Henry’s Commentary:
"Thy kingdom come. This petition has a clear reference to the doctrine which Christ preached at this time, which John the Baptist preached before, and which He later sent His apostles to preach - the kingdom of heaven is at hand...Let thy kingdom come, let the gospel be preached to all and embraced by all; let all be brought to subscribe to the record God has given in His Word concerning His Son, and to embrace Him as their Savior and Sovereign Lord. Let the bounds of the gospel be enlarged, the kingdom of the world be made Christ’s kingdom, and all people become subjects to it, and live as it becomes their character."
It is a proclamation that echoes from the past, through the present, and towards the future.
The New Living Translation renders the verse in Matthew 6:10 as: “Let your kingdom come soon.”
This clearly refers to the final manifestation of Christ’s reign as Lord over all creation.
There’s a time when all will cede authority to the Messiah, we will see the Son of Man at the right hand of power.
This statement ultimately got Christ in trouble with the Jewish authorities and finally led to the cross; it has to mean something.
Mark 14:62-64 (NKJV): Jesus said, “I am. And you will see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of the Power, and coming with the clouds of heaven.” Then the high priest tore his clothes and said, “What further need do we have of witnesses? You have heard the blasphemy! What do you think?” And they all condemned Him to be deserving of death.
There’s a day approaching, and we should live our lives prepared and eagerly looking forward to that day.
The last prayer in the Bible — Maranatha, calls for the return of the Lord!
I don’t think it’s by mistake that the song "Mesias" by Averly Morillo is trending. The lyrics of the song are a cry to the Lord to come soon.
Wake up, Church! He may not appear in the next minute, but we better start getting ready!
Ven Mesias ven, que tu pueblo te espera!
Even so, come now, Lord, your people await You!