Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas, much blessings and miracles in the power of the Holy Spirit to you and your love ones!

Let us begin by examining why Jesus Christ the Son of God born by the Virgin Mary

Why was Jesus Christ the Son of God born by the Virgin Mary?

The answer to the above question has the capacity to reveal the true meaning of Christmas and imaginably go even deeper to unveil the true meaning of life.

Philosophically speaking the birth of Jesus Christ on earth began with a sacred vision in heaven. In other words a plan in heaven culminated in the birth of a Son on earth by a Virgin the similitude of which had never before happened and has never since reoccurred in the history of humanity.

What was this vision that led to the birth of Jesus Christ by the Virgin Mary? To fully comprehend or derive maximum benefit from the answer to that question perhaps we should first explore the meaning of vision?

Vision is a plan for action. Vision precedes action, in other words vision is the genesis of a mission. A mission is the execution of an action or a series of actions conceptualized by a vision. Vision therefore gives birth to a mission. Where there is no vision there is no mission and where there is no mission the people perish. The world was perishing precipitously before the birth of Jesus the Messiah by the Virgin Mary. The birth of Jesus was the materialisation of God's vision which inaugurated the mission that Jesus Christ Son of God born by the Virgin Mary came to planet earth to accomplish.

Reverting back to our opening question! Why was Jesus Christ born by the Virgin Mary? The answer to this question should resonate a lot deeper now by virtue of our enhanced comprehension of the meaning of vision. The answer to the question of why Jesus Christ was born by the Virgin Mary is to fulfil God's vision of redemption of a world which was perishing due to wickedness, evil and sin. How did evil enter humanity I suppose is the overarching question that begs an answer?? Evil entered humanity through the sin of Adam and Eve who disobeyed God in the Garden of Eden when they preferably obeyed satan and ate the forbidden fruit which God specifically instructed them not to eat.

A wrong vision leads to a calamitous mission and end. Adam and Eve became entangled in a wrong vision when they obeyed satan and disobeyed God. By disobeying God they rejected God's vision, conversely by obeying satan they accepted satan's vision. We know very well the contents of satan's vision for humanity as revealed in the gospel of John 10 verse 10; it says that satan's intention is to steal, kill and destroy. Amazingly God's vision for humanity is equivalently revealed in the same verse, it says that Jesus came to give us a rich and a very abundant life full of God's goodness. The verse taken verbatim from two translations? says:

""The thief's purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life" [New Living Translation]

"The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life and that they may have it more abundantly" [New King James Version]

The delusion that prevailed on Adam and Eve to reject good and choose evil must have been overwhelmingly intense. I suppose that you and I are confronted with the same challenge of which a choice is required of us. Whose vision are we choosing or rejecting for our lives as revealed by our lifestyles? Is it God's vision or satan's vision? Every human being alive on the planet is subject to the test of the forbidden fruit on a daily basis. Will you bite the forbidden fruit or will you reject it, similarly will I bite the forbidden fruit it or will I reject it. This is the real Christmas in full play every day of lives on earth. Thank God for the wonderful help of his Son Jesus Christ by whom we are divinely empowered by the most marvellous God, the Holy Spirit, to reject the forbidden fruit which is representative of acceptance of satan's diabolical vision for us.?

The Virgin Mary gave birth to God's Son so that by relying on his power and might we are supernaturally enabled to reject the forbidden fruit, satan's lethal vision. This is the true beauty and real gift of Christmas that through Jesus Christ the Son of God born on Christmas day by the Virgin Mary we can put our feet on satan's head in glorious triumph as a prophetic fulfilment of our empowerment over satan bestowed on us in Luke 10 verse 19 which says "Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy and nothing shall by any means hurt you" [NKJV] Amen! Hallelujah!?

Your vision drives your mission. Your correct vision should be to wholeheartedly embrace God's vision for your life and run excitedly with as though nothing else matters to ensure your enthusiastic reception into heaven on the last day. Synonymously your true mission is to employ all of your skills, talents, career, profession, business acumen, resources and a holy conduct of your life as vehicles for the divine fulfilment of your vision of making heaven on the last day which is the reason Jesus Christ the Son of God was born by the Virgin Mary on Christmas day! Now perhaps we have captured a deeper dimension of the significance of Christmas which is the true meaning of life which is that you and I are now empowered to tenaciously press in to make it to heaven on the last day because Jesus Christ, born by the Virgin Mary on Christmas day came on redemption mission on planet earth to fulfil God's marvellous redemption vision of our lives! Merry Christmas to you, to the ones who love you and to your loved ones and a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year! Amen! Hallelujah!

If you will like to invite Jesus Christ into your life to become your personal Lord and Saviour and make this Christmas day or the day you are reading this message your spiritual birthday then wholeheartedly declare the words below:

Dear Lord Jesus Christ, thank you for the price of securing eternal life in heaven which you paid for me and the shedding of your precious blood you for my redemption on the cross at Calvary to save me from the consequences and penalty of all my sins of which I am truly sorry and remorsefully repent of and abandon. Dear Lord Jesus Christ thank you for pardoning me of all my sins. I invite you into my life today to become my one and only Lord and Saviour. Fill me today with the power and presence of the Holy Spirit and transform me into your passionate disciple. I thank you Lord Jesus Christ for saving me today. Amen! Hallelujah!

Written by:

Louis King

Kingdom Champions Global

[email protected]

Kingdom Champions Global

Reaching and revivifying millions of people across the globe for King Jesus Christ!

Delivering divine timely urgent and transformative communications received by supernatural revelation directly from the most marvellous God the Holy Spirit for your true liberation and emergence into great light and greatness,? in fulfillment of the words of our great God and Saviour Lord Jesus Christ "If? the Son therefore shall set you free you shall be free indeed" .[John 8:36]

Transforming lives across the nations one person at a time with great love, truth and a burning passion for King Jesus Christ of Nazareth, like the irreversible metamorphosis of a caterpillar to a butterfly.

Our overarching vision at Kingdom Champions Global is for you to make heaven in dazzling splendour on the last day with angelic ovation and a reverberating applause.

Feel free to share? this divine communication with your network of friends, family and the whole world for the salvation of all of humanity, without any alteration!


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