Merry Christmas
Doug MacLellan
President and CEO at Canada ProsperUnity Corporation (CPUC). | | APEGA Life Member
As we all see the completion of 2016, I hope we can look forward to an uplifting 2017. The world has been in turmoil in every corner and somehow we all need to work to keep Peace in our corner and push for it to expand to every corner. For thos looking for employment, I wish a more successful year. If you cannot find something create a new opportunity. Be your own boss if you can. Direct your own success and future. It is easy to say but harder to complete. I wish success for all. Maybe some of you should consider MLM (multi-level-marketing). Just looking around there seem to be some very good ideas there that may help you and also involve you helping others
To all of those I know well, I wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays and a Great New Year. To others, may I get to know you better and give you the same wishes. My longing for the upcoming years is to see a happier world. Let Love, Peace and Kindness be a part of everyones day. And may justice and integrity eb a part of everyone's world.