Merry Christmas
Wow! It’s Christmas Eve. For those who celebrate Christmas, I hope “your stockings are hung by the chimney with care” as you and the little ones await the arrival of St Nick! For those who don’t celebrate Christmas, but have other spiritual celebrations at this time, including the Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist, Pagan, and Zoroastrian communities, all of which occur in December, may you enjoy the peace and serenity of this holy time.
I want to take this opportunity on Christmas Eve 2024 to wish all of you reading and receiving this, your family, and colleagues all the best over this holiday season and the last days of 2024. I am so grateful for this past year and all that I have been blessed with.
Our daughter is out of first year residence at university and living with girlfriends in her first apartment with all the responsibilities that go with that—and she is thriving. My wife and I still miss her being with us but are managing the empty nester world just fine.
My health has rebounded since last year at this time, and I am probably in better shape and healthier today than I have been in 20 years. I am most grateful for that.
From a work perspective, we were blessed, and I am appreciative of a fantastic year of amazing clients whom we have been able to assist in the ongoing development of their successful sponsorship programs. We have dozens of new clients that we were not serving at this time last year and are ecstatic about that.
I can only hope and pray that, over the next few weeks, each of you will have the opportunity to celebrate that which your faith proclaims, spend quality time with your family and friends, and enjoy your health and presence on this earth.
When I think about all the cultural celebrations during this time of year, there is one underlying theme. No matter what issues affect our health or economy, the state of our finances, or other factors in our professional or personal lives, this season provides us with a message of love, sharing, and kindness that should abound among us. We should all be grateful for what we have.
My family and I are most grateful for our health, friends, family, and the ability to be together and celebrate Christmas. Some family members and friends who were with us in the past will not be at the table in person this year, but they will be in our hearts forever.
From my wife, daughter, and me, and our entire team at the Partnership Group–Sponsorship Specialists?, have a very Merry Christmas and happy holiday season.
Our thoughts and love are with you and yours as you celebrate this time of year.
? 2024 All rights reserved.