Merkel, May and Marine or Macron
Subrahmanyam Pulipaka
CEO - National Solar Energy Federation of India | Vice Chair- Global Solar Council
Subramanian Swamy on the outcome of the confidence vote on BJP government in 1999, credited "three great ladies" -- Sonia Gandhi, J Jayalalitha and Mayawati -- describing them as Lakshmi, Saraswati and Durga. This comment drew a lot of flak in the political circles and still remains as one of the bold but not apt comparison done.
18 years after this controversial comparison and amidst the chaos being caused outright due to the election season in Western Europe, I have given a try to compare the three deciding leaders of leading European countries. In this short but sharp article, I tried to analyze the current socio-economical as well as political situations in Germany, France and UK and categorize the role their heads(or to be/maybe) of states must assume to combat those issues.
Deutschland Durga - Angela Merkel
The entire image of Lordess Durga in mythology, centers around combating evils and demonic forces that threaten peace and prosperity. Although she appears in a fierce form, she embodies the nature of protective mother, willing to unleash her anger against wrong.
Coming back to Angela Merkel , issues like immigration crisis and failed health care are not only impacting Germany but slowly the entire European Union.She is under increased attack, from within her own center-right bloc and from a resurgent far-right, over her immigration policy. And while German officials remain aghast at Britain’s lack of a plan for disengaging from the European Union, she has not offered a well-articulated vision for how to hold the bloc together. It's high time, before the next election she combat evil(brewing terrorism in Germany) that threaten peace.
London Lakshmi - Theresa May
Lakshmi is the goddess of wealth, fortune and prosperity all the three of which UK needs now more than ever in any point of time in their history. Out of the many political events that created turmoil in 2016, Brexit surely takes one of the top spots.The pound’s movements since Brexit vote has been volatile and the currency plunged after the referendum. Last week Theresa May decided to go for a snap election to garner a larger support, that can facilitate 'harder' Brexit negotiations.
Coincidentally Ms. May worked in finance, including at the Bank of England, before being elected as MP for the London commuter town of Maidenhead in 1997. Now is the right time(or after the snap election which she may/will win) to reincarnate the avatar of Lakshmi
Paris Parvati - Emmanuel Macron
Parvati is the goddess of , love and devotion; as well as of divine strength and power along with being gentle and nurturing. Exactly what EU is expecting from France after the win of Macron(As per the current trend in the exit polls).
Growing tensions along with coordinated terrorist attacks in France have created an environment of instability in France and a gray area of concern for other EU nations. If the situation is not addressed now, there is a high chance it has the potential to become self-sustainable. If there is any aspect in the world that shouldn't be described as sustainable, that's terrorist attacks. So Macron better use his divine strength and power to take hold of the situation and with the help of Durga from Deutschland(Whom people say got him elected in France), combat the evil forces that are troubling EU (Not Brexit :P)
Before you complete reading the article, Yes! I like alliteration and No! My first name had no influence on me while writing this article.