The Merits of Choosing the Right One Regardless of Age
Naomi Gathigi
Creative writer. Creative Brand storyteller. Certified professional Mixologist. Certified Barista. Beverage Explorer. Drinks Recipes.
Ever too Old for Young Love?
According to the common societal perception, when it comes to dating and romance age is always of vital importance. The constant blubbering from everyone who feels like their opinions matter most than the rest. He's too young for that old woman or perhaps he's too old for that young lady, how about when still no one seems to be content when two people of the same age start dating? Ladies mature faster than men and henceforth the presuppositions that they are potentially not the perfect match come along.
Whoever came up with the notion that age should be a factor when it came to matters of the heart? If he or she is in or above the adult age, then being able to choose their partners shouldn't raise any concern or open a platform to prejudice. But then again what would the world be like if everyone thought of keeping their critical views to themselves? What's so wrong with having a suitor who has lived for a couple more years than his partner? What's so wrong with fulfilling the desires that drive you? Some or perhaps most young people feel at ease being with an older partner whose maturity level is higher than the normal young, go to guy next door. Wanting to be charmed by someone who has had a couple of experiences with life and knows how to work his way round in the romance sector. Being young and able to date someone who has better judgment and perception of life. After all, with great age comes wisdom. On the other hand, most if not all people thrive on feeling needed by their other halves especially as they age. Wanting to feel appreciated every second of your life. Therefore, most old people relish in finding a young partner whom they feel like they can confide in and get to feel better about themselves in return.
What a better world it would be, to live in a liberal society. To be able to amble down the street with your partner, be it old or young hand in hand and not have any care in the world because that's just how accepting everyone is. Having that partner who gets you in all ways and who makes you giddy with excitement, no matter how old or young they might be, then they are worth being with regardless of how hard people around you want to deem your relationship as dissolute.