No Merit Badge!
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We all work very hard to take care of our customers and offer everyone our Protection Plan. Maybe you’re starting out, and maybe you’re a very successful Protection Plan veteran. But we all should take heed of this quote from Maggie Smith in her new book Keep Moving:
“Are you brave enough to ask for help when you need it? There is no merit badge for Doing All the Hard Things Alone.”
We see that everyone takes this advice to heart in the Protection Plan Top Performing Stores. They are so used to asking for help, and helping each other, that often no one even needs to ask anymore! Everyone simply comes over to join their coworkers for a few moments to comment on the items being shown, have fun, and recommend protection. More customers buy Protection Plans, more customers are happy, the store is more successful…and as Smith says no one needs to sacrifice their “doing it alone merit badges”! If you aren’t working together in your store take a moment to agree to work as a team with every customer whenever you can. Not only will you be more successful, you’ll have a lot more fun as you…Make It Happen!
Quick read: We can fall into the bad habit of not asking for help when doing the hard things, when getting help—and helping each other—leads to greater success and is more fun. It’s a Protection Plan best practice to agree with your co-workers that everyone can help anytime without asking for permission.