Merging Data & History To Push or Lose the Digital Market Sales.
Every Thursday Morning (CET)

Merging Data & History To Push or Lose the Digital Market Sales.

In today's newsletter:

  • Sensible + Senseful = Successful;
  • Data (in) Motion;
  • You Like It or They Like It?;
  • Market Jumanji;
  • It's AI-ive!;
  • Going Once, Going Twice...

World Wide Websightseeing.

When designing a website you need to prepare dozens of specific screens. But do you then present it in a similiar way?

Here's a an example from MadeByShape on how to pump a bit of life into your new, meticulously crafted website to make sure it really appeals to your audience.

Aside from all the frames & assets you need to create for your Devs to enjoy working on it without any bumps along the way, the final presentation has to be something else.

Would you enjoy going through so many views as the final client or you'd prefer something as condensed as eye-pleasing to get a hold of the vibe, feeling & functionality of the final piece?

Explainer videos do not have to be dedicated to your entire business, they can be an amazing form to present your websites as well.

Additionally, if you manage to find a way to utilize as many senses as possible (by adding audio/SFX for example) that's a purely win-win situation - you have both a fully functional digital product as well as something to grab people's attention and make them want to experience the entire, final result of your work!

We All Like the Charts to Grow.

It's no secret each and every company enjoys watching their growth and usually charts are the best & easiest way to present it.

But can we make them even more appealing to our managers, company owners or even venture capital stakeholders?

Adding Motion Design to your standard "tables" can not only attract attention but also showcase all the changes that happened during that specific period of time you want to talk about in front of people in a rather "fluid" way.

Income, spendings, drawbacks, growth and so on - all of these can be presented in a mathematical way. Numbers, percentage, graphs - these are essential as they represent the current situation of your company.

But have you ever tried enjoyed going through slides like these without feeling overwhelmed? Not to say bored? They feel the same.

Now imagine you could create a flipbook animation out of all of them and that's where Motion skills come in handy without the need of printing 100's of charts and then trying to flip them in front of your viewers. Several times in a row!

By doing so you can present way more content in a lot less time as well as create a base for your story on what happened, how you've managed it and what were the results of your decisions & actions based on a timeline.

Playing Tricky Ricky The Car Dealer in 2024.

They say 'You can't teach an old dog new tricks'. But is it really about playing tricks anyhow.

Or is it about actually caring about our viewers and/or potencial customers - do we think in terms of what they'd like to see, spend their time on and eventually - their hard-earned money?

Unfortunately, most of the companies focus on what they're trying to sell.

Hate him or love him, Gary Vaynerchuk is a league of it's own. After watching hundreds of his videos I can make a clear statement - he's a 1% Observation Expert. Listening, observing, asking. Critical thinking, planning, execution. Then he simply adapts with his products based on what people want or will want in future - it doesn't have to be the hot dog stand he talks about, it can be your digital product as well, just let go of your ego and biases, focus on others (needs & wants).

Do not start with making a key and then finding a lock it fits. Start with looking at the doors that need to be opened and then make (or at least re-shape) your keys.

Welcome to the Jungle.

"The second biological lesson of history is that life is selection. In the competition for food or mates or power some organisms succeed and some fail. In the struggle for existance some individuals are better equipped than others to meet the terms of survival."

"The Lessons of History." - Will & Ariel Durant

You might be the best there is on the market. Today, right now. But that doesn't mean it will always stay that way. Do not rely on your current skills as they might not be enough tomorrow.

There are hundreds of thousands specialist worldwide trying to "grow" by improving their skills and that means only one thing - at some point they will be competing with you, trying to take your spot.

The internet brings you unlimited possibilities & work opportunities yet it also makes you fight for (market) survival. Don't get left behind, it hurts. Badly.

I remember days when "one-man-army" was the only way up - the more (design techniques) I knew, the bigger chances I had to work on another project and to be honest Motion Design opened doors for me that I would never imagine possible. It's hard to learn yet it's better to be in a "big fish in a small pond" and keep the cash flowing later on. Sorry, but it doesn't apply to another trendy Figma trick.

I firmly believe these days are back and multifunctional designers will rule the market. Also, it happened so many times before - just like Henry Ford said:

“Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young.”

And (market) relevant.

Looking for a Motion Designer.

"At Synthesia, we believe the future of media is synthetic. After 6 years of research and a roller coaster ride of successes and failures, Synthesia is now the leading brand in AI video production with over 50,000 customers to date."

Check it out here:

Why Do You Even Do Design?

"Wojtek, these look great. Amazing work, well worth a prize or two. But we won't even show it to the client, it simply won't "sell".

This short answer from a big business owner changed me both as a Designer and as a person.

I know a lot of professionals think highly of themselves and their work and that's completely fine. Duh, prefferable to keep their self-esteem & confidence on a decent, higher level. It also helps to push through all the struggles along the way.

But it's the market that names the price of your work.

Would you prefer to create the most amazing design work and keep it in your drawer or be good enough to both create AND sell it?

The harsh truth is that you're only paid what the other side agrees on (and a lot of times - do not...) and so swapping a bit of your time learning design to spend it on Sales, Marketing & Psychology can really help you grow as a professional by simply making you understand the needs and wants of your clients and then presenting your work accordingly. Forming it. Knowing what they're looking for. Focusing on that part and by adding appropriate storytelling - matching their expectations. Who are you doing it for? Yourself?

"Be like water my friend." - leave your artistic ego behind to fit in every corner. That's how money is made. So you can make a living.

That's it for today!

Hope you've enjoyed this weeks' newsletter.

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A Motionful Pitch

Read the previous entry here.

See you next Thursday and if you have any ideas, questions or simply want to share your opinion - see you in the comment section below!


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