IT Mergers & Acquisitions – Top 5 Technology Challenges

IT Mergers & Acquisitions – Top 5 Technology Challenges

Imagine you’re merging two companies. It’s a promising process, but there’s a lot to figure out. Basically, navigating the mergers and acquisitions (M&A) world is no small feat.

That’s where Windows Management Experts (WME) comes in. We’re experts in helping companies navigate the twists of mergers or acquisitions. Our deep industry knowledge enables organizations to tackle these challenges effectively.

This blog post shows how WME can be your partner in M&A success. We focus on crucial areas, including data integration, infrastructure consolidation, strategic advisory, and whatnot.?

All in all, partnering with WME isn’t just about fixing problems. In fact, it’s about unlocking the true value of your M&A endeavor while setting you up for long-term success.

Top 5 Considerations for Successful Mergers and Acquisitions

When preparing for mergers or acquisitions, remember a few things to ensure a smooth transaction.

Here Are The Top Five IT-Related M&A Considerations

1?? Technical Due Diligence & Compatibility Assessment

2?? Data Integration & Management

3?? Infrastructure Consolidation & Cloud Services

4?? Change Management with IT Governance and Training & Support

5?? Cybersecurity & Compliance

Let’s jump into their brief details…

Pre Mergers & Acquisitions Consideration # 1

Due Diligence & Compatibility Assessment

?Technical Due Diligence

It’s crucial to evaluate a target company’s IT assets. If you ascertain their compatibility, it helps acquiring companies understand the potential risks involved.

Here’s a breakdown of what it typically entails:

? Technology Stack Evaluation

This involves assessing the target company’s tech stack i.e, hardware, software, network configurations, etc.

The key is to understand the technologies in use, their integration, scalability, etc.

For instance, if the target company uses Microsoft-based systems and the acquiring one uses Linux, some challenges could arise.

? Software Licenses and Compliance

It’s important to review all software licenses to ensure they are legally compliant. This also includes the typically ignored factors i.e. checking for any open-source components that might have specific licensing requirements.

For instance, if the target company uses software under GPL licenses ( it requires derivative works to be open-source), it could impact how proprietary software from the acquiring company is deployed.

? Intellectual Property Assessment

Evaluate the target company’s intellectual property. Discuss patents, trademarks, proprietary technologies, other intellectual property, etc. This will help you understand any potential legalities.

Example: if the target entity holds patents crucial to its products, you need to ensure these are not under litigation.

? Cybersecurity Practices

It’s critical to analyze the cybersecurity measures of the target company. This includes reviewing their incident response history, compliance with data regulations, vulnerability management practices, and whatnot.

A past data breach or weak cybersecurity protocols could pose a significant liability. And, they can incur major costs post-acquisition.

System Compatibility

Focus on how well the IT systems of the merging companies can work together.

This involves a detailed analysis of several key areas:

? IT Architectures

Compare the IT setups of both companies to spot any big differences that might make their merger tricky.

For instance, if one company uses a central database and the other prefers a more spread-out approach, there could be issues.?

? Data Structures and Storage

Check how well their data setups match up. If they don’t align—like trying to merge customer info from Salesforce with a custom CRM—it takes careful planning to make them consistent.

? Software and Platform Integration

Look at the software they’re using. If one uses SAP and the other Oracle for ERP, just for example, then it can be costly to integrate them into a single system. Though it’s often necessary.

? Technology Overlaps and Streamlining

We identify places where both companies might be using similar technologies. On the flip side, getting rid of duplicate systems can simplify how IT runs.

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Consideration # 2

Data Integration and Management in Mergers and Acquisitions

The primary goal of data consolidation in M&A is to integrate data from different systems into a unified platform. This process ensures seamless communication across merged organization.

The challenges in data consolidation include handling disparate data formats, aligning differing data structures, managing the scale of data, including others.

Each company might be using different ERP systems, CRM platforms, custom databases, among other differences.?

The strategies for Data Consolidation for M&A include:

? Data Mapping: This involves documenting data structures, formats, dependencies in their system, etc.

? Common Data Environment (CDE): Establish a CDE to standardize data from both entities.

? Migration Tools & Protocols: Use migration tools that support data transformation & cleansing for compatibility.

? Phased Integration: Implement a phased approach to integration. Say, start by integrating historical sales data before moving to active customer transactions.

A prominent example is the merger between Dell and EMC in 2016. The integration team faced a massive task of consolidating data from different sources.

They used a combo of in-house scripts and commercial ETL tools to map data from EMC’s systems to Dell’s.

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Pre Mergers & Acquisitions

Consideration # 3

Infrastructure Consolidation

Infrastructure consolidation eliminates redundancies and performance issues. You need to ensure the new infrastructure supports the newly formed strategic goals.

Network & Hardware Integration

The new entity needs to address key challenges including dealing with overlapping technologies, incompatible hardware systems, different network architectures, etc.

There may also be logistical issues when merging physical locations, i.e., data centers, etc.

The strategies include:

? Standardize hardware & network protocols.

? Develop a plan that includes timelines for phasing out redundant systems.

? Decommission less efficient servers & consolidate workloads

Example: When HP acquired Compaq in 2002, it was one of the largest IT mergers at the time. They faced the challenge of integrating two massive sets of IT infrastructures. So, they conducted a thorough evaluation and opted for a standardized set of servers that best met their needs.

Cloud Services

You can also integrate cloud services to ensure compatibility and adherence to security standards.

For example, in the Oracle & NetSuite merger, Oracle integrated NetSuite’s cloud services into its cloud infrastructure. But, they did that while maintaining NetSuite’s operational independence- the most important point.

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