Mercury in Virgo — Its Retrogression - Display of Unbeatable Strength

Mercury in Virgo — Its Retrogression - Display of Unbeatable Strength

Mercury in Virgo from 20th Aug to 26th Oct…

It’s a long transit for Mercury where he will also go retrograde from 9th September at 14 degrees of Virgo in Hasta Nakshatra…and goes back till 00.02 degrees of Virgo…

Mark these 00.02 degrees in Virgo…. Mercury crosses this 0.02 degrees on 20th August while in, direct motion… any major event that happens after this can go back and forth or it can be repetitive in nature?…

6th sign of the natural Kalpurush chart & house is Virgo & has been perceived in general, with kind of fear?….as it denotes our enemies, debts & diseases…everything that we have to struggle or fight with…

But on a positive note, it also represents perfecting our skill, daily routine, discipline in our life, rendering services, taking loans & working hard…

These activities demand a lot of struggle, stamina, energy, and determination to do everything.

Secondly, the ruler of Virgo — Mercury is our intelligence, thoughts, grasping power, learning abilities, and all intellectual activities in general.

That means, the issues related to Virgo like diseases, debt, jobs, servants, & enemies can be overcome by proper application of mind.

This approach of facing the problems or any health challenges, can turn to our strength & also when its lord is in good dignity.

Virgo is the place where we can observe our working or hard work towards the issue.

Our approach towards problems or issues is understood from the Virgo sign & also to check if there is scope for betterment with self-efforts as Virgo is a natural upchaya sign.

& Matter related to this sign in your chart can grow gradually. It directs us to continue working on the issue.

So, for example: if we keep on working towards better health, we can resist any diseases.

Each house symbolizes a level of human development. The 6th house is symbolic to do real work, and the work that not only benefits the native personally but other people and the world in general. It is the house of offering services for the betterment of others.

I consider this transit of Mercury in Virgo a very significant one not just because of its exaltation or own sign or retrograding close to its exaltation degree but because of other connections that this Mercury is making…

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~ We have Jupiter’s opposite aspect on Mercury throughout this transit and even Jupiter is retrograde…

Some major task that was pending for a very long time related to Mercury, Jupiter, or even Saturn as Jupiter is in Saturn’s star…can materialize…

With this mutual aspect of Jupiter-Mercury, we may experience extraordinary or overexpression of ideas… some different or at times weird thought process…expect unique wisdom, understanding?..everything can be big &..nothing ordinary…

Expect the unexpected here…some larger-than-life experience… do not overlook anything?… Staying practical is very important here.

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~ The Sun will join Mercury in Virgo on 18th Sep and would be with Mercury till 17th Oct…forming a strong — powerful Budha-Aditya yoga for almost a month…

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~ Also, we have Venus joining Mercury in Virgo on the 25th Sep forming Neech bhang raj yoga…

There can be some teething issues & Venus may start a little weak initially, only to get strong with each passing phase…but do remember that both, Mercury & Venus will be combust throughout this transit…

If you have this yoga — combust Mercury/Venus, Budha-Aditya yoga & the Neech Bhang raj yoga of Mercury/Venus or even the conjunction of these planets, in their birth chart may have concrete results of this yoga with this transit…

More so if you also have a running dasha period of these planets…But Mercury will have the upper hand in giving results being in his own sign, he will be the dominant & deciding factor…

For this entire transit — especially after Sun & Venus will join Mercury, we have 3 major benefic planets making the connection with each other & with Sun- our Soul…

So, the impact of this Mercury in Virgo may eventually bring some most life-changing & positive events that can even change the path?…giving some benefic diversion which was most needed for your personal growth & development…

Another interesting point here that can make a huge difference in our life…is, that Virgo is the 6th sign of the natural Kalpurush chart…

It is the sign of our pending karmas….it is also upchaya sign — both this matter has a significant impact on all our actions…

The aspect of retro Jupiter on this sign, also on its lord, and the involvement of Venus, the Sun — can impact us on a soul level…

Mercury carries…& exchanges all types of messages…short communication in all forms…represents our relations, friendships?…& any kind of co-ordination comes under Mercury.

Mercury brings wit, sparkle, and inquisitiveness where ever it is placed or aspects…it’s a happening area…& Mercury is at its best when in Virgo as Virgo is it's own and Mool Trikon sign…

Virgo is a very detail-oriented and calculative sign. Expect all kinds of mathematical calculations, research…analysis, logic, and reasoning?…all talks related to mind…intelligence.

Virgo signifies good planning, organization, and perfection in any work at hand…

Mercury in Virgo has everything…skill to be successful, ‘will’ to take action, and creativity to do it in a proper manner….

Again, Virgo is a dual, even, and earth sign…so there can be confusion… the more you go deeper into any subject and with more knowledge, there are good chances of getting overloaded with information leading to confusion…

Mercury in Virgo will encourage not just learning but also debating…discussing and communicating new ideas which can turn into conflicts and fights as Virgo is the 6th sign of the natural zodiac and earth sign so very easy to get suborn on own ideas…

Jupiter’s aspect will help you to avoid…any conflict…and give clarity, and knowledge so that, your perception would change…. & You can resolve any complex matters…??

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We have Retro Saturn & Mars trine to this retro Mercury which can delay or create obstacles on our path…or can give more than one attempt to finish…

Let us see the journey of this Mercury in Virgo which is full of adventure and excitement…Do remember that Mercury is happy in Virgo…now use that as a tool…and proceed…you shall see fantastic results…

During these 2 months of transit, Mercury will be in U Phalguni, Hasta, and Chitra Nak…but for more than a month’s time, Mercury will be in Uttara Phalguni nakshatra from 20th Aug — 30th Aug in Direct motion where Sun the lord of U Phalguni is 12th to Mercury…

So, there can be a mood of isolation, traveling to distant places, also do watch over any loss or your expenses…

& From 19th Sep — 14th Oct — Sun, lord of Uttara Phalguni will be with Mercury in Virgo forming Powerful Buddha Aditya yoga…you can expect some very expressive exchange of thoughts, development of brilliant ideas, and some excellent work….Then,

Mercury will be in Hasta from 30th Aug — 9th Sep in direct motion from where Mercury will turn retro from 14°…. & Till 19th Sep in retro motion…

When Mercury is retrograde, it’s the perfect time to restructure our thoughts, beliefs, and decisions based on that….and what out of them you want to modify given a chance….

With Hasta transit, any work done by hand or using your skills will give superb results. But expect fluctuating tendency as lord of Hasta is Moon…which changes sign in 2 and half days….

We also have retro Mercury to create more uncertainty…so, you need to consciously bring stability…

We can expect some solid results from your hard work with direct Mercury in Hasta from 14th Oct — 22nd Oct….

Then, lastly, Mercury will be in Chitra nakshatra till 26th Oct?…. Mars the lord of Chitra is in Taurus — trine to this Mercury…. All mind work…which needs your intelligence and focus will come out very well…

Expect fast action as there is clarity in mind with direct Mercury & Mars may help to get things done with speed…

Half of the transit we have combust Mercury…which is a frequent thing for Mercury but while in retrogression in own sign…is not normal always…

There can be conflicts with authority for documentation…or communication is possible…

It is important to check and recheck everything to avoid repetitions.

Then, a little off topic… fundamentally 2 natural enemies…Sun & Venus are transiting parallel for almost the entire October month. First in Virgo and then in Libra…

Here also, Sun is making Neech bhang raj yoga with Venus in Libra…

The signification of Venus will be bright and very active after 25th Oct, even Mercury will enter Libra, repeating the same conjunction….?:)

By 27th September, we have at 24° almost stationary Saturn, Retro Uranus at 24°and even Mars at 24°

There can be some major transformation, & positive development as planets are trine to each other and has Jupiter’s aspect.

All in all, there are all benefics involved in making strong positive yoga…till almost the end of October….

So, expect good results… in the significance of Mercury, Venus, and Sun…their rulership in your chart & especially the sign Virgo and Libra will be most impacted…

But?…From November slowly things may change as all these 3 planets cross Ketu in libra…

This was a general overview for everyone with Mercury in Virgo

You can check in your natal chart… the placement of Mercury and Virgo signs… that area is getting activated with this transit.

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Special watch on signs Aquarius, Aries, and Leo — check if any planets are placed there — as they fall in 6,8 12 to Virgo…

You need to go slow…stay cautious…update yourself properly?…have more information about nearly everything…follow the detail-oriented approach…do your own research and then react with clarity.

When retrograde Mercury is in Virgo then, mostly the matter related to health can be a problem as the retrograde planet will give diseases that are repetitive in nature…

Also, something related to your pets, work zone, enemies, or your daily routine…can get triggered…

You need to check the lordship of Mercury & placement of the Virgo sign in your chart to determine the results.

What you need to check is how best u can handle, work & improve your health, and your lifestyle to present yourself as flawless in that area…start with:

Aries: your health and day-to-day routine matter can be impacted…avoid petty quarrels related to your staff…review the scope of improvement in these areas…This is the best time to go for some competitive exams… Your focus will be more on fitness, expenses, & also, the matter related to foreign countries.…

Taurus: Very progressive time for your children, stock market matters and also worries related to that, you will look for pleasure in mental activity… you may develop some new creative hobbies… Also, readjust your priorities to make the best use of your talents and intelligence.

For Gemini: education, health, mother, your domestic life is in the focus, and balancing the same with your career…also property, and vehicle-related matters can trigger… The retro time will be best for you to re-discover your happiness, peace of mind, and, bonding with your family….

Cancer: may have frequent short journeys, intelligent communication with friends and siblings….you have power with your with the knowledge that you have… You may have paperwork or government-related work?… It's the best time to recommit to your goals that you are worthy of and keep up with your strength…

Leo: profits and gains, along with health, your speech will get better and also your family life…You can best use this time to reflect on your core set of values & manage your finances well.

Virgo: May have excellent communication, will be well informed about nearly anything that they come across, you can be good in dealings, Trade, or working as an agent or Messenger in important matters. Make most of this time by treating yourself well, your health, and building your personality…

Libra: Can use this time to polish their talents and skills, can learn new things also…. they should watch their health, thoughts & use their alone time for their benefit… Reflect on who you are and where you are going…basically reflecting on yourself and your hidden talents will help…

Scorpio: May have the fulfillment of their desires. Their circle and friends can play a good role in that. Their network and associates will increase. Review your rewards and give equal credits to your network, & friend circles.

Sagittarius: May see success in business, promotion with additional responsibility, and public life will be very active. It's the best time to recharge your batteries and get energized to show your capabilities in your work zone.

Capricorn: Your father, mentor, or teachers are playing some special role in this time…your communication skill will get polished, you may go for higher education, your thoughts for life and the world, in general, can improve… Renew your sense of purpose and restore your faith in your learnings.

Aquarius: The focused area can be having some change in the way you manage your health, other's money, tax matters, inheritance-related dispute, litigation… & Worries on these matters…It's a good time to restore your good health & accept any change that is needed to improve…

Pisces: Your relations and partnerships of all kinds, your business can be in the focus, your partner…rest of the world… can consume your energy and to remain balanced is the key here…best time to repair any damage that you may have caused to your close relations….

That’s for all 12 Ascendants,

To summarize:

Mercury is strong in Virgo…there are chances of being nervous or getting upset …& be watchful on the criticism as it can come easily……You may keep your criticism limited to yourself and self-improvement…

Expect all-around growth, with all the other benefic connections that Mercury is making…

Stay flexible and consider other's viewpoints…their feelings…

Mercury represents, friends, siblings, nearly all relations & Mercury in Virgo represents maternal side relations. So, any conflict should be taken care with at most calmness and balance as Virgo is a sign of irritations…small frustration which can lead to major fights…

Also, retro mercury is capable to give delays, confusion resulting in frustration, struggles, and arguments.

Mercury & Virgo both are dominant for health, Mercury rules skin problems, nerves, and mind-related issues and Virgo represents the stomach area in the body…

Retro planets are not good for health so any health concerns should be addressed properly…

As strong Mercury increases nervousness. It is very important to direct the thoughts and mind in the right direction to best use this transit.

Pieces is the opposite sign of Virgo so it is important to let go?…if the situation demands that…

Be sensitive towards others and their need…be gentle and use your maturity while in confusion is the message of Mercury in Virgo…

You can have perfect balance if you take care of the emotional side which is not the domain of Virgo….

Consciously be emotional and kind towards others…do not put logic in relations…

Do keep in mind that Mercury will be retrograde….and you may have to go back on things…. redo certain tasks…so, be patient, practical & realistic with yourself and others to maintain friendliness in the environment…


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