Meraki's Virtual Vision Brought to Real Life
Un-agency: a marketing company built of technology, brains and trust, not on billable hours and bloat.
A note from Co-Founder and Chief Idea Officer, Elizabeth Estes :
Eight years ago we started Meraki.Social with the belief that companies could be wildly functional and successful while being virtual. We did it by hiring the best, regardless of geography, and by investing in early stage virtual technology platforms. In addition, we were intentional with trying to create an amazing culture, even though we didn't have those traditional “watercooler moments” that an in-person office often affords. In the beginning, many of our major corporate clients weren’t convinced until they realized our model of trust and efficiency as an agency translated into trust and efficiency for them. We wouldn’t change a thing about our initial plan or where we are today. We have nearly 40 people working remotely, but every once in a while, it’s good to get to know each other in person so we can continue to build our culture and community.
Last week, we gathered in a resort town on the shores of Lake Michigan to spend time together. There were a few hours of brainstorming and meetings, but most of the 2.5 days was centered around having fun with one another. Between games of PowerPoint Karaoke (imagine improvising a 10 slide PowerPoint deck on some inane subject), LinkedOUT (a digital trivia game about individual Meraki team members), and an impromptu guitar concert, we laughed, ate great meals, learned about each other, and genuinely had a great time.
During a more introspective moment, we reminded ourselves what it takes to be successful and happy in the workplace–discussing five key tenets that are important whether working remotely or in person. The first of which is to trust in each other, as trust is given, learned, and earned. The second principle being that of perspective and trying to understand where our co-workers, clients or their customers are coming from. Third, grace. It’s imperative to offer others grace if they are having a hard time and to ask what we can do to help, even picking up the pieces and carrying more weight from time to time if necessary. Then there’s empathy, one of the most undervalued emotions in the world today. And finally, gratitude. Gratitude for all of the good in our lives and even those moments that turn out to be lessons for the future.
For me, I walked away more thankful than ever for the amazing team (from 14 states and 2 countries) that assembled last week. Yes, they are talented and hard working for sure. But more importantly, they are really good human beings. I hope that will always be the Meraki way. Hire the best and the brightest, who have huge hearts, give them what they need to be successful, gather every now and again but mostly, stay out of their way.
I’ll wrap it up as any social media person should, with a hashtag.