MEPC 80 to revise the IMO's initial Greenhouse Gas Strategy (GHG)
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MEPC 80 to revise the IMO's initial Greenhouse Gas Strategy (GHG)

The MEPC (Marine Environment Protection Committee) is a subsidiary body of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) responsible for addressing marine environmental issues and developing regulations to prevent pollution from ships. MEPC sessions are held periodically to discuss and make decisions on various matters related to maritime environmental protection.


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The IMO’s greenhouse gas (GHG) strategy is shaped with express reference to the Paris Agreement, the key element of which is to cut greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions with a view to “holding the increase in the global average temperature to well below 2°C above pre-industrial levels and pursuing efforts to limit the temperature increase to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels”.?In pursuit of this goal, the IMO set out its ambitions in 2018 in its initial GHG strategy, targeting a 40% reduction in CO2?intensity by 2030, a 70% reduction by 2050, and a 50% reduction in all GHG by 2050, all with reference to 2008 levels.?

Outcome of MEPC 79

The seventy-ninth session of the Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC 79) was held from 12 to 16 December 2022. Greenhouse Gases (GHG) emission reduction measures, BWM Convention, Air pollution, and Amendments to mandatory instruments are the discussion points and decisions taken on MEPC 79. At MEPC 78, the IMO showed that it was working towards adopting a revised strategy by mid-2023 i.e., MEPC 80. Many expected that MEPC 79 would seek to resolve outstanding issues and clear the way to adopt a much more ambitious revised GHG strategy at MEPC 80.


The Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) - 80th session will meet in-person session at IMO Headquarters in London?(with hybrid participation) from 3-7 July 2023. An updated IMO greenhouse gas strategy is anticipated to be adopted at the MEPC 80 session.?

  • The updated IMO GHG Strategy will include specific goals for the industry's greenhouse gas reductions and is anticipated to include a list of technical and financial actions that need to be taken to put global shipping on an aggressive road to completely eliminate its greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Inter-sessional Working Group on Reduction of GHG Emissions from Ships (ISWG-GHG 15),?meets on 26-30 June 2023, before the MEPC 80th Session.

Key highlights of MEPC 80

Tackling climate change, cutting GHG emissions from ships, including adoption of the revised?IMO GHG Strategy, Energy efficiency of ships, and Ballast water management - including approval of the Convention Review Plan and adoption of amendments to the BWM Convention are the important agendas of the Session.

  1. Tackling climate change, cutting GHG emissions from ships - The IMO GHG Strategy will include specific greenhouse gas reduction targets for the industry and is anticipated to lay out a variety of technical and financial initiatives that must be implemented to put international shipping on an aggressive track towards completely eliminating greenhouse gas emissions. IMO is also accelerating its efforts in developing the necessary safety regulatory framework allowing the safe handling of future marine fuels on board ships. The Inter-sessional Working Group on Reduction of GHG Emissions from Ships (ISWG-GHG 15) meets the week before MEPC 80 (26-30 June 2023) and will continue the well-advanced negotiations. Onboard CO2 capture - Several submissions concerning onboard CO2 capture will be taken into consideration by the MEPC.
  2. Marine pollution and energy efficiency - The Committee is expected to review and approve proposed changes to IMO ship fuel oil consumption Data Collection System (DCS) under MARPOL Annex VI. The proposed revisions deal with reporting information on cargo carried and are related to MARPOL Annex VI Appendix IX on "Information to be submitted to the IMO Ship Fuel Oil Consumption Database" (relating to regulation 27).?
  3. Ballast Water Management - Previously, MEPC 79 considered proposals to revise the format of the Ballast Water Record Book (BWRB) with the introduction of code letters (A-H), similar to the system used in the oil record book.?The adoption of the proposals was deferred to MEPC 80. The MEPC is expected to adopt amendments to Appendix II of the Annex to the BWM Convention (Form of Ballast Water Record Book). The?BWM?Convention?will?be?thoroughly?reviewed?over?the?next?three?years,?and?as?a?result,?a?number?of?amendments?to?the?Convention?will?be?developed. The MEPC is expected to approve the Convention Review Plan (CRP) under the experience-building phase associated with the BWM Convention, which includes the list of priority issues to be taken into account in the convention review stage.?
  4. Particularly Sensitive Sea Areas (PSSA) - MEPC 80 is expected to designate a particularly sensitive sea area in the North-Western Mediterranean Sea to protect cetaceans (whales, dolphins, porpoises) from the risk of ship collisions, and ship-generated pollution. The Sub-Committee on Navigation, Communications and Search and Rescue (NCSR 10) has approved associated protective measures (APMs) which include suggested shipping practices including slowing down, keeping a closer eye out, and reporting any collisions and cetacean sightings.
  5. Marine litter tackling - In the previous session, MEPC 79 adopted amendments to MARPOL Annex V to make the Garbage Record Book mandatory also for ships between 100 and 400 gross tons. Smaller ships will now also be required to keep mandatory records of their garbage-handling operations. An invitation was issued for proposals to be put to MEPC 80 on how to progress the IMO Study on Marine Plastic Litter from Ships. The MEPC is expected to take note of and support the ongoing work being done by the Sub-Committee on Pollution Prevention and Response (PPR) to address the threats that plastic pellets pose to the maritime environment. A drafted MEPC circular on suggestions for transporting plastic pellets by the sea in freight containers has been created by the PPR Sub-Committee which will be submitted to the Sub-Committee on Carriage of Cargoes and Containers (CCC 9, which meets 20-29 September) for input and then submitted to MEPC 81 for approval.
  6. Revised guidelines on underwater sound - An draft of updated Guidelines for the mitigation of underwater noise from commercial shipping is anticipated to receive approval from the MEPC in order to alleviate negative effects on marine life. The Sub-Committee on Ship Design and Construction (SDC 9) developed the updated regulations. They offer a summary of strategies that designers, shipbuilders, and ship operators might use to lessen the underwater radiated noise of any particular ship. They are meant to support key players in creating policies and initiatives that will enable noise reduction measures to be successful. They also provide sample templates to assist ship owners with the development of an underwater radiated noise management plan.
  7. Ship-to-ship transfer - The Committee is anticipated to debate a document aimed to promote awareness of potential environmental risks, implications, and concerns for the international marine pollution control, liability, and compensation regimes related to the rise in ship-to-ship transfers at sea.
  8. Inventory of Hazardous Materials | Revision of guidelines - The MEPC is expected to adopt the 2023?Guidelines for the development of the Inventory of Hazardous Materials, following amendments to the Anti-fouling Systems (AFS) Convention to include controls on cybutryne (A toxic compound harmful for marine organisms).
  9. Biofouling Management - MEPC 80 is expected to adopt revised Biofouling Guidelines. The guidelines were first adopted in 2011 and, MEPC 72 in 2018 decided to initiate a review, to take into account best practices and experience as well as the latest research.
  10. Guidelines for thermal waste treatment devices - MEPC 80 is expected to adopt the 2023 Guidelines for thermal waste treatment devices.
  11. Reduction of Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) emissions - MEPC 80 will consider a draft scope of work on the Reduction of VOC emissions prepared by the PPR Sub-Committee. This work would investigate how the reduction of VOC emissions could contribute to the implementation of the IMO GHG Strategy and how to involve terminals.
  12. Other matters from PPR Sub-committee - This includes Inventory of Hazardous Materials, Operational Guide on the Response to Spills of Hazardous and Noxious Substances (HNS), Marine diesel engine replacing a steam system – draft MARPOL Annex VI amendments, and Electronic bunker delivery note - Unified interpretation to regulations 18.5 and 18.6 of MARPOL Annex VI.


The need for urgent action is clear and shipping companies and other companies linked to the private sector are already committing to net zero emissions targets for 2050. There is therefore pressure on the IMO to set more ambitious targets, including from those who have already invested heavily in achieving net zero by 2050 and those who say that the current IMO targets fall well short of what will be required to achieve the vital 1.5°C?target set out in the Paris Agreement.

There is therefore a great deal of expectation on MEPC 80, and we await the outcome of those meetings with interest.

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