Jaime L. Davis, PhD
Organization Consultant. Experienced in Operations Management, Higher Education Administration, Workforce Planning, Training & Development, and Student/Customer Retention Initiatives.
Mentorship is a personal developmental relationship in which a more experienced person helps a less experienced person. Mentorship is often used synonymously with leadership or coaching, and does share some similar traits and characteristics; however, mentoring is unique in its relationship and focus. While coaching is specific, action-oriented, and utilizes practice to enhance performance in targeted areas, mentoring is more general, collaborative, and long-term. Both mentoring and coaching create support for personal and professional development. Mentoring, though, is long-term guidance while coaching occurs in a narrower period to achieve specific workplace objectives.
I wrote about mentoring in the Mentor to Motivate leadership lesson. From that article:
We understand that coaching tends to be task-oriented and utilized for specific improvement. The coaching process is intentionally focused on performance and results (Blanchard, 2018). When we want specific improvement for a certain task or outcome, we deploy our skills as coaches. Coaching is necessary when there are performance management needs. However, when we want to help someone grow as a person, to maximize their potential, we need to deploy mentoring skills.
Mentoring is relationship-driven (Surbhi, 2081). When we shift from coaching to mentoring, we focus on developing potential, improving relationships, and enhancing performance (Blanchard, 2018). Mentoring supports personal and professional development outside of specific tasks. To be effective, the mentoring relationship must be built on trust, because the open dialogue about challenges, opportunities, and responses is essential to growth.
A mentor is a person who gives another person the benefit of his or her years of experience and/or education. This experience is shared in such a way that the mentor helps to develop a mentee's skills and abilities, benefiting the mentee and the organization. Mentoring involves communication, connection, and collaboration, which is why mentoring is considered relationship-based rather than task-based.
A good mentoring relationship is identified by the willingness and capability of both parties to ask questions, challenge assumptions, and disagree. In doing so, mentors can help mentees solve problems, enhance communication abilities, increase emotional intelligence, and augment interpersonal skills for the betterment of both the mentor and mentee.
Ultimately, your success is your responsibility. However, if you know your goals, you can select a mentor who will help you to reach them – not just the next promotion, title, or raise, but a specific focus on developing to be the best version of you, which then allows you to reach back and mentor others in their journey.
Mentoring is a powerful growth opportunity, one that all of us should engage in – both as mentors and mentees throughout our development journey. ?This series will discuss several strategies to support mentorship for both the mentor and the mentee, including how to give and receive advice, create connections, overcome obstacles, and sustain support.
Today's mentor moment is a request. Consider what mentorship means to you, and how mentorship can benefit you. Are you in a mentor relationship now? If not, what's stopping you? And lastly, if you've been a mentee, is it time to become a mentor? We all have things to learn, but we also have things to give - and mentoring helps us to do both.
January is National Mentoring Month! Whether you're just starting your career or looking to take it to the next level, finding a mentor can help you achieve your goals. Don't think mentoring is just for the youth - it's for everyone! Take advantage of this month and find a mentor who can help elevate your career and personal life.