As Veterans we remember the days that we watched over others, protecting them so that they could get a good rest and take care of their families. Now the time has come for you to salute the flag and leave the Military headed in most cases out into the unknown. Know this, "we are out here ready to assist you" with ideas, direction, past experiences that we want to keep you from having. You should never be too proud to ask for guidance from a brother /sister in arms. Believe us we understand, there have been many days that in hindsight we think," If I had only known then what I know now, how different could have my journey been?" No matter when you are ready, no pressure is here for you. We have quite a few Mentors that have volunteered to connect with you and guide you through your transition. It’s a great opportunity for you to ask questions, get advice or even prepare for that 1st interview. So sign up and request a Mentor.
For those of you that want to give back and help the Veteran through his/her transition we have opportunities for you too. Got to and volunteer to be a Mentor.
Good luck to all, and let us know if you have any questions [email protected].