Are mentors having a come back
It is important to foster individuality, for only the ndividual can produce new ideas

Are mentors having a come back

Where it all began

It's the 4th March 1988, and I am in Somerset at Clarks Shoes head office, with several other peers learning how to measure children's feet. I'm training to become a shoe fitter, so that I can earn heaps of money to go travelling when I hit 18!.

I look around, and notice very well dressed Managers, smiling, the team laughing at each others stories about travelling to Somerset. I can smell Chanel No 5 on my Tutor, Dionne. She was tall, curvy and very enigmatic, her walk was graceful, elegant and controlled. If I were to put a book on her head, I know it would remain there for an entire day. I wish I had that kind of presence ,I thought to myself.

Having a goal

At 16 years old, I'm earning a good income, maybe I could go to The House of Fraser and treat myself to some Chanel and a new pair of heels, just like Dionne's. I noticed Max watching her attentively, and mimicking her words, as she involved us in understanding the width of a foot, the depth of a shoe that would fit a child's foot and allow for growth. Clarks were amazing to work for, mostly because I got to spend time with different customers, and up sell the sundries that made me an additional bonus each month. I set myself goals each month, and enjoyed the process. My goals would often be a stretch to achieve, and I almost missed them a couple of times. I watched others selling, and tried my own approaches towards the customers. The winning formula seemed to be scarcity of choice, but always offer the choice that you know the customer likes.

Christine was exceptional with her returning customers, and she spent hours with me, showing me how to fact find with my customers and introduce the matching Jane Shilton bag and nubuck cleaners for the soft suede products. I still remember word for word how I sold the benefits of the cleaners to my customers. I always sat alongside them, smiled and referred back to their conversations about walking lots, matching their outfits and the importance of looking after these shoes, which were an investment to their wardrobe and comfort.

Observing is key to learning and selling

It was tiring offering exceptional service, as I used a lot of energy absorbing my customers information, their body language and words. We give so much away in our responses, eyebrow raises, pauses, even our breathing pattern changes when we become excited. I knew how my customers would respond as I led them into their own unique conversation, and it became a daily ritual to guess how many up sells I could make from deep listening to things that I had no interest in, but somehow I looked interested.

I had a keen interest in the way that people spoke, behaved and referenced their priorities. I quickly learnt that women over 30, were very self critical and wanted to look slimmer from a pointy toe with heels, and gents in suits, wanted a matching pair for their suits that made the feel powerful and important. So, at age, 14, when I was working in the stockroom, I digested these observations, and later used them when helping them.

People buy people/ Bullshit- People buy relatability

I'd began to build quite the client base, my returning customers would ask for me, and I'd swagger around with pride and an assertive manner, pulling all of the strings to flatter Mr Harriet about his pristine suit, and suggest buying the Loake Outlander shoes in both tan and beige to compliment his wardrobe. I'd tell Verity Verruca (Its all she talked about) that she would suit the new burgundy heels and clutch for her sixteenth date with narcissist Neil, whom she was addicted to. The more I knew about my customers, the more I matched their needs. They felt special, they'd wave at me when passing, bring me wine gums or cinder toffee from the local market. I was raking it in! I was engaged and so were they. Selling shoes became an art form, as I became more experienced and its amazing how much people love to talk about themselves. I used to wonder if hairdressers and beauty therapists had a similar experience, as you become a trusted ear. When someone trusts you, they're more likely to buy more than they anticipated, as you've created an experience, not a service- Ask Disney!.

Make it sticky and memorable

Thanks to my Mentors, Christine, Dionne and Ruth, I had watched and learnt from amazing role models how to behave and be selective about how I approached my customers. If it wasn't for this life skill foundation I wouldn't be the assertive and skilled sales person that I now am.

The thing is, I remember EVERYTHING that I was taught, shown, challenged and measured against, because those people deeply cared about doing things right for their customers, the business and themselves.

Fast forward 22 years, I'm still using these sales techniques as a business owner and coach. People buy relatability, it's true, and people MUST feel involved both intrinsically and extrinsically. Why are they buying the shoes in the first place is the question.

You all know how much I talk about Dan Pink, I've referred to him whilst working at Virgin Media Business, the HE Sector, Tech and Digital, and also working with a Premier League Football Club.

Dan Pink hits the nail on the head, unless we coach and train our individual team members as individuals and not 'One fits all' then we are doomed. My recent survey suggests that almost 40% of humans have the need to be more deeply understood, more so than we anticipate. So, as Sales Leaders or L & D designers, we must consider the HOW. How so we inspire, engage and role model life skills, selling skills and personal development.

So, the good news is, ALL businesses can role model, gain Mentorship from external support and use very different ways of working to help with personal motivation. Recently Modular Analytics ran a Hackathon over a weekend to engage their teams in critical thinking, team work and solutions. I will be sharing this article in January.

Phil Davies- The ultimate Coach and Mentor

Passion, process and people

Phil Davies, Head Coach for Namibia in the Rugby World Cup, discusses how important passion is, and has led high performing teams, operating under huge pressure in multi national and Internal capacities. I've researched the amazing focus and work that Phil has created and worked on. It's truly amazing, as he his a role model, leader and gets you to think differently about overcoming challenges. I had a recent Mentor conversation with Phil, and this has revitalised my appetite to go for gold.

Davies discusses three key pillars- Passion, Process and People. He has a great way of making things, relatable, simple and actionable. I'm forever thankful for my Mentors, as they kick my backside into actionable intent.

Get in touch to discuss sales training! You won't regret it!


  • Mentorship- A period of time during which a person receives guidance from a mentor.

Published by

Kay Littlehales MInstSMM

We make a difference to your culture and ROI by delivering exclusive workshops and coaching that untie old habits that hold you back. Our client feedback is outstanding.

Published ? 1y

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A story of Mentorship! - Please take a read :-)

To be socially Conscious means that you'll have to challenge your own thoughts and habits to concur success..


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So, here's a thanks to you... Andy Lord Anne McCarthy Phil Davies Kelly Black Clarks Shoes




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Kay Littlehales MInstSMM


We make a difference to your culture and ROI by delivering exclusive workshops and coaching that untie old habits that hold you back. Our client feedback is outstanding.


Mike Smith?Michael Migliore?Here’s one ????




Kay Littlehales MInstSMM


We make a difference to your culture and ROI by delivering exclusive workshops and coaching that untie old habits that hold you back. Our client feedback is outstanding.


Mike Smith?little mention of you guys..?The Modular Analytics Company




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Kay Littlehales MInstSMM

We make a difference to your culture and ROI by delivering exclusive workshops and coaching that untie old habits that hold you back. Our client feedback is outstanding.

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