

I can not place a price tag on the value of mentoring within a business environment. I believe that it can be a critical part of any team member's development and the benefits affect more than the student.

The value of a mentor for a new rep serves a couple of purposes. The rep has someone that he or she can turn to in confidence for help. The mentor will also help facilitate the learning process. In addition, the mentor can also help the new team member integrate into the company by facilitating introductions to other employees and the company culture. Everyone needs a friend at work.

The other reason that I like to assign mentors to new team members is for future leadership development. I want my team members to grow beyond their own sales skills. As I have continued to grow in my career, I want to make sure that I am also developing future business leaders. Teaching others is a phenomenal way to strengthen their skills. The assigned mentor has the opportunity to become a leader by gaining experience teaching others. Some mentoring assignments are 1:1, and others may be 1:3-4. I know that as a sales and business management professional, my business will grow and the needs of the business will grow with it. Mentoring also serves as a way to get my teams invested in the success of others as well as the success of the business. It is a win win situation for everyone. Because I continuously develop leadership skills within my team, the company will be prepared when the next expansion happens and new leaders need to be placed.

Mentoring is important beyond the business world as well. It is a great way to give back. Reach in to your community. What do you have to offer? Volunteer with organizations like Big Brothers. Do you have a hobby that you excel at and can you mentor someone new to the hobby? 

Be a leader. Be a Mentor, and develop the business leaders of tomorrow.

Who I am

As a National Sales Director or VP of Sales, I have delivered millions of dollars in sales to manufacturing organizations.

Contact Info: Scott Robins (847)204-8932






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